Tuesday, July 1, 2008

SPRZECIW says Poland

Poland has said sprzeciw, odmowa, nie, or nic nie to the EU treaty the Irish trounced last month.

Poland deals new blow to French EU presidency
Tue Jul 1, 2008 7:20pm EDT

PARIS (Reuters) - Polish President Lech Kaczynski compounded the problems facing the European Union on the first day of France's presidency of the bloc on Tuesday, saying he will not sign the Union's reform treaty for now.

Kaczynski said it would be "pointless" signing the document following its rejection by Irish voters in a referendum on June 12. The treaty, intended to overhaul the bloc's institutions, needs the backing of all 27 member states to come into force.

Kaczynski, a Eurosceptic, helped negotiate the Lisbon Treaty but his party is now in opposition. Prime Minister Donald Tusk said ratification was in Poland's interest.


"I think Poland has decided, that it will ratify, and that the president, for reasons that are his business and not ours, does not want to sign for the moment. But I am more or less convinced that he will sign," Kouchner told France 2 television.


What we can cull from this little bit of biased news is that for the moment Poland will not sign the EU treaty Ireland trounced, as it would be pointless and Kaczynski understands the opposition in Poland to the treaty, so for the moment, he does not want to be booted as he is within a minority government.

It is not an issue of letting the people decide - the Poles would vote NO, rather it is waiting for a politically opportune moment -and this is not it.

That again raises the issue - why not let the people decide this, in each country. If you believe in the people, let them decide. The problem for the leftists is - they don't trust the people, they don't like them much even.

This is not what we want happening to the US.


useless sorts


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.