Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Al Qaeda in Iraq?

New York Times. September 29, 2003.

Headline: 2 Qaeda suspects tracked in Iraq

Fascinating. What is even more fascinating? I have the article in front of me as I type.

I pulled it from lexis Nexis on 8/4/2004. It was document 15 of 29. It originated from the New York Times via their international paper - The International Herald Tribune. The Source /author: Raymond Bonner. Section: News; Page 3. Length: 380 words.

Headline: 2 Qaeda suspects tracked in Iraq

What is fascinating about it? THE ARTICLE IS ... gone.

Anyway, I assume they have it, just not available. One would think, especially given the fact I HAVE IT.

Anyway, the point of the article was - Abdul Rahman Yasin - was living in IRAQ ... and guess who provided him with an apartment? Bingo. Saddam.

For the first year he was in iraq, he was put up in an apartment by Saddam. Toward the end of the regime, he was arrested but was out of jail by the time the US invaded. I happen to have met a Ranger who was involved in, some aspect of, the capture of this person. He told me the story, but not until I told him what I knew ... and apparently am lucky to have kept the article as it ... is unavailable for some reason.

And guess who this fellow was? One of the top 3 in the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. You may not remember that event, Bill didn't think it important enough to talk about for 48 hours and didn't show up to visit the site or support the thousands wounded.

Al Qaeda was responsible in 1993 for the attack and in 2001.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.