Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Oh Canada ... What Have You Done Now


This link will take you to the first 100 or so + - articles I posted and opted to post all under one date - Articles

Among the articles posted you will find the following on the subject of polar bears and seals. It is now seal time in Canada, that very civilized country to our north, who offends no one, and offers a wonderful medical system to its inhabitants (many of whom do not appreciate it as much as Americans who think everyone must).

The country that supports and promotes the killing of hundreds of thousands of seals each year and scores of polar bears.

I do not have the source for this image, like the seal image - it is several years old. I apologize but I have had it for several years and have lost its source, but like the image.

April - May YEARLY: POLAR BEAR HUNTOne safari company and description. Suggestion: leave the seals alone, polar bears will have food source, no need to place bears on endangered species list. Maybe we should send the suggestion to the Canadian Senator who cannot distinguish between the morality of years of criminal justice/appeals/right to counsel and shooting/clubbing an animal for a piece of fur - AND NOTHING more.

UN position on polar bearsNational Geographic - they need the ice, but what the magazine mentions yet fails to pay any attention to is the seal as the polar bears food source. Without the food source, readily available, the number of polar bears will decline regardless of ice.

What the Canadians say about their hunting polar bears: It's a tradition! All of this is fine. Kill the bears because it's a tradition. Kill the seals because it's a tradition. But don't tell us that the polar bear is endangered. Don't tell us to protect the environment you systematically are eliminating all life from. Save the polar bears which requires the seals which requires the ice. Without the seals, the bears will die off. Without the ice, the seals will swim and the bears will drown. A very odd world the Canadians live in. We may be a geographic neighbor, but surely not an intellectual neighbour.

I do not have the source for this image, but I suspect it is one of the seal savior programs and I apologize but I have had it for several years and have lost its source, but like the image.

March 24, 2006: Canada says annual seal hunt to start Saturday Another reason why we should not pay attention to what Canada thinks:"At one time most thought the hunt would die out. By 1983, only 25,000 seals were being killed. But in the early 1990s the hunt was revived with the support of the Canadian Government, as a substitute for the failed cod fishery off Canada's Atlantic coast."

(Note: I do not need to learn anything about why seal hunting is a good thing because too many seals eat the salmon and ... I know someone who started/built and developed a salmon hatchery and has issues with seals. I know full well the context of the seal hunt BUT I am also able to read - such as the story reporting the fact that the government almost eliminated seal hunting until fishermen complained they were not making enough money and rather than use taxpayer funds for welfare for out of work fishermen, they let them profit off the seal hunt. SOMEWHAT negates the altruistic explanation given by the individual I know.)


Vancouver Sun, April 2, 2008.

Animal Cruelty Bill Faces Condemnation

Bill S-203, a private member's bill originating in the Canadian Senate is the latest attempt to update Canada's VERY ANTIQUATED animal cruelty laws (they date from 1892). The one interesting part was the fact they do not define an ANIMAL in the law.

There would be NO LEGAL definition of what an animal is and animal neglect would have to be proven to be predetermined or willful in order to be prosecuted!!!!

THAT MEANS for us non lawyer types ... you find an animal starving or hurt or in some other manner mistreated. To prosecute the owner, you would have to prove the act willful and predetermined. It sounds a lot like mens rea - an intent to commit, a mental state ... before the owner could be prosecuted. Not much effort to do all that. I am sure, lots of law enforcement up there not doing anything, and quite willing to expend vast resources and time to PROVE intent on the part of a pet owner.

Yep. This is a stunning example of our neighbors to the north being clueless.

Oh and while we are at it, lets here it for the feckless Senator from Quebec, who when queried by an American family about seal hunting, retorted with the usual vim and vigor Quebequois are known.

Celine Hervieux-Payette

She responded to an inquiry from an American family concerned about the slaughter of seals with the following appropriate comment. She spewed forth her vast knowledge of everything and informed the American family that what she found horrible was "the daily massacre of innocent people in Iraq, the execution of prisoners - mainly blacks - in American prisons, the massive sale of handguns to Americans, the destabilization of the entire world by the American government… "

I won't even bother addressing her claims except they are all delusions in this woman's mind. She is not qualified to be a senator, nor should she be receiving the benefits that come with that job - like a pen and paper, for she should be kept away from such luxuries in an effort to prevent her from ruining relationships with other countries. She is so vastly knowledgeable and adroit, I am so humbled by her massive stupidity.

I just have to wonder if she slithered out of the Trois Rivers area. She should slither back.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.