Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Obama / Gore and we can't forget HILLARY and Bill

Barack Obama told an audience in Pennsylvania on Wednesday that he regularly talks to Al Gore. Further, he told his audience that he would consider him for a cabinet position or higher., 4/2/08: Obama: I'd Hire Gore

EXCEPT ... according to Democratic strategists ...

Political strategists say it’s a near impossibility that Al Gore, a Nobel Prize winner, former vice president and Hollywood darling, would ever serve in Barack Obama’s cabinet, should the Illinois senator win the White House.
April 3, 2008,

What about Hillary.

Bill has compared her to ... who else ... but a Kennedy. Not John, but Robert.

"You know, 40 years ago, two days from today, Robert Kennedy was in Indiana campaigning for president when Martin Luther King was killed. I was 21 years old. I was a senior at Georgetown. I was supporting Robert Kennedy. And it was a really interesting thing," Clinton told the crowd who had waited two and half hours to hear him speak.

"I remember so well watching Bobby Kennedy here the night Martin Luther King was killed. Then, I was in Washington at Georgetown, the city exploded into flames and I turned my car into an ambulance and I took supplies to the African Americans that were burned out of their homes and were hiding in church basements basically trying to stay alive, and surrounded by national guardsmen protecting them. It was a long time ago. But I always thought America would have been a very different place if Robert Kennedy had lived, because he wanted to be the candidate of people who had hopes and dreams, and also the candidate of people who could barely keep body and soul together."

The former President went on to draw a parallel he has drawn many times before, explaining how some view his wife as the heir to Senator Robert Kennedy, while others view Senator Barack Obama as the heir to President John F. Kennedy.
ABC News, April 2, 2008


Get over them. The best two were killed. We only have residue left over.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.