Thursday, January 31, 2008


The South Central Jurisdiction for the Methodist Church, whose 290 delegates meet in July, in some part or another oppose construction of the George W. Bush's presidential library, museum and public policy institute from being built at Southern Methodist University.

The reason - because it will promote his administration's policies that they feel conflict with church teachings.

A better library for SMU: Kennedy's - it could promote the various methods of screwing around behind your wife's back, show the many faces of Marilyn Monroe, promote diversity in sexual relations, and disdain for the arts. That is very methodist like.

The Clinton library - a man who bombed more coun tries than Bush even considered bombing. It could promote the diversity of women, who were usd by Bill. It could present a showcase on political marriages and how to make them work. During the tour, there could be a hall of abortion - supported and funded by the Clinton administration. That most assuredly does not conflict with church teachings. Have another hallway showing Bill's tolerance for homosexuality and other behaviors typically regarded as not very Christian, unless you are a Methodist minister in which case it is probably very much in line with your thinking.

The Carter library could move to SMU - again, funding for abortion - a long hallway on state funded abortions supported by his administration.

None of the above violate church teachings, but war does. I will have to rip the Bible up because it seems to violate church teachings.

Hypocritical fools. And you wonder why your churches stand empty.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.