Friday, January 18, 2008

Bill and Monica - 10 years Later

Agence France Press had an news article that dealt with Hillary appearing on the Tyra banks show and discussing her husbands lies and unpresidential behavior.

The statements by Hillary are the most public yet on the scandal that wrangled away all she and Bill had worked for.

None of that was very important. It was the last few lines that were more interesting.

"He was acquitted in the Senate after the Republican-led House of Representatives impeached him, but the battle, in which Hillary Clinton played a key role, drained political capital at a key moment of his second term."

He was not acquitted, he was not removed from office. To acquit means to find innocent of the charges and that did not happen. AFP has lied or misstated the facts - in either case, the same result.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.