Monday, January 7, 2008

Bye Bye Hillary (Revised to - Please Go)

It has not been nice knowing you. I never did want to know you and am quite pleased you are well on your way out the door. Remarkable after only ONE event, not even a primary as such - that she is written off. Except before 24 hours is up, she will have been smited again in New Hampshire with an equally abysmal show January 26. Michigan's delegates like those in Florida, according to the Democrtaic party will not count (either don't get seated or cannot vote). She could hold off until Super Tuesday in less than four weeks.

She could stave off the bloodletting, but she will have to reinvent herself and show she is a real person - perhaps cry a little, laugh, kiss a baby - all the things she was loathe to do while working as an attorney.

In less than four weeks we will know who the Democratic candidate is, if he hasn't shot himself in the hip or tripped over Edwards on the way to a stage somewhere. Hillary could pull it out, get Bill out there making friends wherever he goes, patting everyone on the back, pulling out all the IOUs they don't have any more (thank you Bill for using them up to prevent your removal after you were impeached).

Hillary is having a tough week. She may well be realizing that people don't like her. That it isn't just a vast right-wing conspiracy, this one involves everyone and no amount of crying will get you the nomination.

Rather fitting end ... but like all horror flicks, there is always the franchise - Hillary returns as a VP candidate.

Personally, I'd like her to crawl back to the Senate, finish her term, realize no one likes her and retire some place we never need to hear from her again. Let Obama or Edwards speak out for change, change, change here and change there - they are the spokesmen for change - real change, change that means change and not just token change. Change for everyone, all kinds of change.

Hmmm... I wonder if I used the word change as much as Edwards did in the last democratic presidential debate ... 11 times. No. He used the word more times than I did. The only change Edwards knows about is what will be left in our pockets after his tax increases.

Update 1/8 evening: No bloodletting, but close. She had 8 years as First lady, an ex-president husband who campaigned for her, the largest political and fundraising machine in over twenty eight years, and she musters a meager win. That says a lot. She is winning BUT she is holding her own and given all she had behind her, and paraphrasing the former WH occupant who campaigned for her, the opponent's attacks on her are a fairy tale - based on her competing with a fairy tale, it says a great deal. She has problems.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.