Monday, March 24, 2008

Snow Suspends Spring ... And Other Global Warming Fears

Wisconsin - Spring will have to wait, for that matter, global warming better start - they have too much snow.

The second highest level for a season.

95.4 inches or over 8 feet!!!

then there is Ann Arbor Michigan ...

RECORD year for snowfall since 1880

We should consider the year (winter) that is/was - Afghanistan lost over 300,000 cattle, not to war or bombs but to the cold. The human death toll is above 1500 in China (and not from their brutal human rights repression), for Tibet has more problems than simply the Chinese - six months of the most severe winter temperatures have killed 500,000 animals leaving five million people on the verge of starvation.

Then we have an event in New York, March 2-4 - 2008 International Conference on Climate Change. Approximately 500 people were in attendance - the world's leading authorities on climatology, meteorology, economics, and energy. The message - There is NO consensus on global warming, the science is NOT settled.

Apparently several IPCC members who assisted on the IPCC reports presented by the UN as evidence of global warming, and having shared in the glory of the Nobel peace Prize with the other fellow, Gore - some of these members, in attendance, challenged the conclusions of the IPCC report they had attached their names to (not by choice).

Then the fellow from NASA - Anthony Watts, a meteorologist at NASA who forced NASA's Goddard Institute to correct an error on their modeling of US surface temperatures to show that the hottest decade of the 20th century was not the 1990s but rather ... 1930s.

The point of this (my posting this) is not to challenge the fact GW has occurred or may be occurring, but rather that science has no facts to support the phenomena - it is all opinion and guessing. Even the models used are based upon guessing of past temperatures.

For me - the idea of spending trillions to fix something that is a guess is no different than every country on earth would use its entire GNP to build missiles that would be shot into space to clear away space junk.

The synapses that are now synapsing and the dendrites that are having problems comprehending the above incomprehensible mumbo jumbo is exactly the intent. It is that nonsensical - the proposition that the world would spend trillions to reverse something no one can say is happening and if it is, that it would make any difference and even if it did whether our pathetic efforts could change the inevitable course of planet earth. We can't. It would make a lot more sense spending the trillions to save the hundreds of millions who are hungry at this time, the millions who will die in the next year or two rather than silly statements about tens of millions dying from rising water levels in twenty years.

Let's see - 2 million will die this year from starvation and enforced poverty and political repression, genocide. X 20 years = 40 million versus 40-50 million dying in 20 years from rising water levels, maybe.

DO something about the NOW and forget what could be if ...

The immorality is our failure to act now!

Blah blah ditter ditter Sippy sip ditter ditter blah blah

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.