Sunday, March 30, 2008

Danger Will Robinson

The robot, Robie, I believe, would, in every episode, yell out "Danger, Danger, Danger Will Robinson." Some rock monster or perhaps just Dr. Smith lurking close by and plotting some devious coup to upstage yet another of his lame brained escapades. It seemed that everything was dangerous for Robie that robot.

He was a funny robot and with the exception of a few episodes, always trying to help/save the Robinson family (especially Will).

You would think everything was dangerous if you watched every episode back to back.

Today we have our own Robie ... the media.

Riding motorcycles without a helmet is dangerous (for example - Gary Busey)
Riding on skateboards without helmets and pads is dangerous
Drinking and driving is dangerous
Operating heavy machinery after taking cough syrup may be dangerous
Opening bay doors in the back of a grocery store when a monster is outside will be dangerous when the tentacles reach in and rip you apart.
Going into a dark house at night looking for a phone is dangerous.
Smoking is dangerous.
Video games can kill and/or are dangerous.
Asbestos is dangerous.
Global Warming is dangerous.
Driving on the LA freeways can be dangerous.

Living apparently is quite dangerous.

And now, Mobile phones MORE dangerous than smoking.
The Independent, March 30, 2008

We are all doomed. Especially given the fact that children younger than 12 have cell phones and use them. For those of us who are between 20-50, we have had years of no cell phones. Children today get cell phones as soon as they can walk, or very nearly thereafter.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.