Monday, March 17, 2008

Coolest Winter Since 2001

According to NOAA - It has been the coolest winter since 2001 in the US and globally. This would support the proposition offered by some in the scientific community that global warming ended in the late 1990s and global cooling began.

In the US, the average temperature was .2degrees F above the 20th century average. It is the 54th coolest winter since 1895.

Our planet is changing and while humans may give birth, build buildings, fly planes, go to the moon, build nuclear bombs, and kill thousands of people in a day, we are not able to effect the change of the planet. We are so insignificant and meaningless that the fact we think we could is itself insignificant.

We need to buy winter boots as the years get cooler. we will see hot summers that will be shorter and increasingly dryer followed by colder winters lasting longer.

There, my prediction. Put it up there with the 'scientific consensus' - its as factual.
March 13, 2008, NOAA website

And those people who suggest we throw a corn stalk into our cars and save the environment. Same ones who protest everything. Are also the ones responsible for the devastation that would occur if we followed their idiotic plan.

UPDATE: March 21, 2008

Snow suspends spring
Season now 2nd-snowiest in city's history

Like an aging prizefighter still packing a mean punch, the mighty winter of 2007-'08 took another swing at southern Wisconsin on Friday, smacking the area with up to 15 inches of snow and knocking out plans for thousands of Good Friday travelers at Mitchell International Airport.
The 10.9 inches of snow measured at the airport by 10 p.m. raised the winter's total to the second highest on record for a single season - 95.4 inches.


It's a record year for snowfall
BY DAVID JESSEThe Ann Arbor News
It's just as you suspected - this has been the snowiest winter ever in the Ann Arbor area, or at least since 1880 when record-keeping started.
And it's not over yet.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.