Saturday, March 22, 2008

Canada Warns US Over Oil Sands 3/9/08

Canada Warns US over oil sands - pertaining to a narrow interpretation of new energy legislation prohibiting its neighbor (the US) from buying fuel from Alberta's vast oil sands.

At a time when we should be getting off foreign (READ: Middle Eastern) oil and away from foreign (READ: OPEC) oil wherever that may be found (READ: Venezuela) ... we should be encouraging the relationship with Canada and its vast oil reserves that would, if developed in conjunction with a national policy of increased gas mileage in our cars, make us independent of foreign oil within five years (then the largest issue would be to get cars without the improved mileage off the roads).

The problem? new legislation and a fear in Canada that if a Democrat takes control of the White House all rationality will be thrown out the window in an absurd desire to accomplish nothing quickly and charge more to accomplish it.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.