Sunday, March 23, 2008

Iraq - Approaching 4,000

When one American is killed it is too many and God knows we have given enough lives in order that others might be free, vote, raise families, and work very hard to oppose us at various times. Now we approach 4,000 Americans killed in Iraq, well over that number if Afghanistan is counted and over 7000 if you count the Americans killed on September 11 and probably closer to 8,000 when you consider all Americans killed by terrorism and terrorists.

I do have one comment for the faint of heart - when we are attacked again, 8,000 will be the starting number and it will climb exponentially. They will of course express outrage and anger, frustration, and sadness, and guilt. Guilt that they did not bring American troops home sooner and perhaps prevent what will engulf all Americans, sooner than later.

Fine. Whatever.

That will be for another time, but I did wish to point out a few facts for the dimwitted among us.

The greatest and silliest is something of the following:

Americans are dying in a needless war to foist our democracy on people who do not want it. Leave them be and let them kill each other if they want. There is nothing we should do. Its their problem. 4,000 lives to accomplish what and for what have they died.

The argument requires a few underlying assumptions to work:
1) that we are trying to foist democracy upon them
2) that we are trying to foist American democracy upon them

The problem with this is it isn't true. Lack of basic information about Islam - it is already equipped for a democratic process. We are not foisting anything alien to the culture upon them.
We are not trying to foist American democracy on them and no one has ever said we were trying.

3) That some how these people kill and have been killed forever as opposed to more reasonable and civilized peoples elsewhere. It implies two sets of data - us and them where the us are more rational and do not wantonly murder and them who do murder wantonly.

Let's move on ...

May - 2,106 killed
June - 1,185 killed
July - 968 killed
August - 636 killed
September -589 killed
October - 545 killed
November - 467 killed
December - 411 killed

TOTAL: 6,907

Those are the numbers for Americans killed during World War II during a given reporting period.

6,907 American soldiers killed in an eight month period.

Contrasted with nearly 4,000 killed in Iraq since March 2003 (5 years + few days)
(which is 4000 too many)

The problem with the numbers provided above (source is available listed at bottom of page) is they are for the year 1945 and the months AFTER the war while the US occupied Germany.

A country with similar traditions, culture, values, political and economic systems ... and the German people who were freed from the dictatorship and tyranny of Hitler were so welcoming that they killed 6907 US Army soldiers in the last eight months of 1945, AFTER THE WAR ENDED, and another 1,478 American soldiers in 1946.

THAT by people who wanted to be free and who share more with us than the Iraqis ever will.

Go suck on them apples for awhile. Those numbers are most certainly, an inconvenient truth.

Source: Army Battle Casualties and Nonbattle Death in World War II, Final Report 7 December 1941 - 31 December 1946.
Published 1 June 1953 by the Statistical and Accounting branch, Office of the Adjutant General. The figures are ONLY US ARMY.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.