Wednesday, March 12, 2008

World Opinion - Moment of Truth: The Magic is Over - Part Cinq

A brilliant article in the International Herald Tribune (owned by The New York Times) March 12, 2008 entitled 'Magic is over' for the US, says foreign minister of France.

"Bernard Koucher, the foreign minister of France ... says that whoever succeeds President George W. Bush (they) may restore something of the United States' battered image and standing overseas, but that "the magic is over.""

Why? Our reputation has suffered especially since the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq.

This is the prevailing attitude of the world, led by the Europeans and the media - by those who have an insatiable hate for most things American. They love Americans of course, just not anything else.

Often this is couched in terms even the simplest can grasp - in no way do they dislike individual Americans, they often come to Disneyland or Disney world and love America, they just do not like how we conduct ourselves in foreign policy.

Mr Coucher, perhaps we .. excuse me Kucher, although I am sure there is little difference in the person whether it is a C or K ... should reflect upon a dozen events in the 20th century. I opted for DOZEN because of time. We could choose 40 events and the results would be very similar. I think a dozen will satisfy most people (save the left and the French, and the media, and for that matter anyone else who is unable to grasp perspective and reality):

1900 - 2008:

Time: 1914-1919
Place: Europe
Event: World War I
Ever fearful of the expanding power of the Germans, the French rush off to Russia for help. Diplomacy was not, apparently, on the front burner for the French. They were hoping for military force to scare the Germans and Austrians. Didn't work.
Result: War and millions died.
Consequence: France is so hateful after the war is won by the US intervention, that in conjunction with the British, the French go on a spree of 'taking' and dismantling the colonies and empires associated with the Turks, Germans, and Austrians. Instead of German colonies - French colonies. Instead of lands controlled by the Turks, the French and British took control. Instead of any foresight - they levied fines and punishments upon the Germans that situated it smack dab in the middle of a cause that led them toward the Second World War.
Thank you France, Germany, England, Italy, Austria, Russia - so responsible of you. We learned to respect you so much for these efforts.

Time: 1920
Place: Europe
Event: Signing of Treaty of Versailles
A little man from Indo-China arrived to beg Wilson and the world community to take their words seriously - that it was the right of indigenous peoples to determine their future and control. Wilson had spoken of the right of self-determination of all peoples and Ho had come to collect.
Result: The Americans and Europeans dismissed the little man as of no interest.
Consequence: The French went to war against the communists in Vietnam and gave up, leaving Vietnam to the US.
Thank you France - so responsible of you. Your arrogance and hatred for other peoples led us to the point where Ho turned to the communists and the US lost 58,000 lives for having tolerated French occupation of Indo-China. We learned to respect you so much for these efforts.

Now, perhaps the French will say they have learned and these events were 90 years ago. Fine. We can keep going.

Time: 1939-1941
Place: Europe
Event: Hitler
Dalladier and Chamberlain go to Hitler and make a deal. They accept the inevitable - the conquest of the Sudetenland by Germany in return for world peace and harmony. The French return and sing in the streets. After all, diplomacy has worked. It is what you do best - negotiate. Everyone has something to give and everyone has a price. You are great at figuring out the price. Instead of standing up, even if it meant losing, to a mad man, you gave up your principles and your honor and helped to usher in the end of an epoch of sorts. Over 80 million would be dead when he was finished with Europe. The French would participate in several ways: they fled when the Germans, all 5000 of them holding 2500 weapons each with 1 bullet, marched into the Rhineland area. The french fled. In fact, for the most part the french did everything they could to flee each and every time the Germans showed up ... perhaps that explains why their government forbid any French soldier from leaving France before the Germans arrived. All passports had to be given up, weapons turned in, and to help the Germans - all Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps IN FRANCE.
Result: We all know. France and the French people were complicit in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Jews and have denied their role to this day.
Consequence: Their spine showed - what they had of one. French soldiers attacked Americans as they landed in Normandy.

Thank you France - so responsible of you. Your arrogance and hatred for the British, who you were convinced would fall to the Germans, led to the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. We learned to respect you so much for these efforts.

Oh but this event was 65 years ago. Come on, get over it.

Time: 1958-1966
Place: France
Event: France began to pull out of NATO
Result: France pulled out of NATO
Consequence: France believed it was time to act on its own and it wanted to be a serious partner, not part of any military force controlled by the US. Further, influence from within France, by the people, who at this time were far more left leaning than at any previous time, regarded the US as too militaristic and their actions would pull France in to a war it did not want or choose.

Thank you France - so responsible of you. Your arrogance and hatred for the US, led to your feckless attempts at grandstanding that only contributed to pleasing the Russians and annoying the US and our allies and resulted in you doing very little of anything but to show us all how bloody foolish you are. We learned to respect you so much for these efforts.

Come on - that was decades ago. Old stuff, nothing serious. Move on.

Time: 1968 - 2003
Place: France / Germany / Iraq
Event: Arms Sales
Result: Mitterand sold Iraq a nuclear power plant, then ended up building Iraq's first and only nuclear power plant. This would be the plant the Israelis blew up in 1981. That would have been very fun if in 1982, Saddam had the nuclear material to build a nuclear bomb - 1991 would have turned out a lot different.
The Germans didn't have clean hands either - busy selling to Saddam technology, that was dual usage - military and non-military. Given what we have learned about the monster, nothing was for non-military purposes and the German government knew this. Money was however more important.
Between 1968 and 2003, France sold Iraq approximately 65-70 percent of its military supplies. from bullets to planes to bombs. The 2003 invasion and removal of Saddam interfered with an order that had recently been paid for and was en route to Iraq from France. Over 300,000 Shia have a lot to thank France for.
Consequence: Over 400,000 dead from weapons and technology sold to Iraq by the French and Germans.

Thank you France and Germany - so responsible of you. Your arrogance and hatred for the US, led to your feckless attempts at grandstanding resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands. We learned to respect you so much for these efforts.

Time: July 1985
Place: South Pacific
Event: Sinking of the Greenpeace ship
Result: Mitterrand gave the go ahead and permission to neutralize a Greenpeace ship. the french secret service blew the ship up, sank the ship, and killed one Greenpeace photographer on board.
Consequence: We learned to respect the might of the French intelligence forces.

Thank you France. We learned to respect you so much for these efforts.

Come on, everyone was selling to Iraq and so a boat was blown up. It doesn't reflect upon the French.

Time: 1954-1962
Place: Algeria
Event: War - France versus the People of Algeria
Result: Over 200,000 dead on both sides
Consequence: Algeria leans to the extreme on the Islamic meter.
France decided that it needed a colony for its citizens to visit and live in and that the little brown people in Algeria wanted to be French whether they knew it or not, so France decided to make them French. Clearly they were not that interested, but that was not a problem for the French. In the end, several hundred thousand people were dead, the French had wasted the last putt putt from their military engine, and the people turned to militancy and Islamic extremism for an answer.

Thank you France. We learned to respect you so much for these efforts.

Time: 1975-1979
Place: Cambodia
Event: The genocidal Pol Pot
Result: Over 2 million dead
Consequence: never fully realized. Losing 2 million citizens deprives an area of quite a bit of hope and opportunity. The French involvement in this was - Cambodia had been a French colony. Pulling out, left little to no infrastructure to support a system that was crumbling from the wars in Vietnam that would quickly spread to Laos. Pol Pot meanwhile and other Khmer Rougists had fled Cambodia earlier and gone to ... where else ... France, to study communist and socialist thought at the universities of the most cultured country on earth. With a society and culture that nurtured anarchist and communist thought, the Rougists would learn all the needed before they went back to Cambodia and began the killing fields.

Who stopped them? Did France intervene? nope. Did the high German kulture intervene to restore order? nope. Did the US intervene to help or prevent 2 million Cambodians from being murdered? Did Jimmy and his moral agenda try to help? nope. Did Italy, Greece, Romania, Hungary - you know, all the usual suspects? Nope. Too busy. Not interested.

Thank you World. We learned to respect you so much for these efforts.

Time: 1994
Place: Rwanda
Event: Rwandan Genocide
Result: Up to 1 million people butchered
Consequence: No one cared.

The history of Rwanda in 3 lines or less: Germany and Belgium - colonizers, and don't forget the French involvement. Germany and Belgium leave, independence, light skinned Tutsi take over, Hutu (dark skinned resentful, murder central.

The Euros believed in the 19th century that the way we determine brain power is by skin color. Their scientists had all concluded (READ: CONSENSUS, Debate closed) that white was the most perfect of colors and darkest black the dumbest of colors. So any shade closer to white must necessarily be smarter. When the Belgique, Germans, and French left Rwanda - they left it in the control of lighter skinned more Euro looking Tutsi. The Tutsi were the power and the Hutu were their little workmen. The french didn't mind this as it was quite similar in Algeria or for that matter any where else in the bloody world (even though Algeria is 100 years later, the same philosophy dominated their colonial holdings, as with the British). It took a turn for the worse in 1994 when the Hutu seized power and a blood bath ensued.

Who stepped up to stop it? Clearly the UN - you know, the world of peace and love and negotiation and debate and discussion. Nope. They pulled out and let the bloodbath unfold. The Germans? nope. they completely ignored it. The Belgique? They sent some troops but when 10 were killed, the rest quickly ran for the planes and fled leaving behind their responsibility and soiled pants. The US? Nope. Bill was busy. He had more important things to deal with - Monica.

Within 100 days nearly 1 million people had been butchered.

Thank you World. We learned to respect you so much for these efforts. But an especially important thanks to France for arming the Hutu!

Time: Anytime up until now
Place: Cote d'ivorie (Ivory Coast)
Event: French Subjugation
Result: Destruction of the Ivory Coasts Air force and preservation of a capitulate government
Consequence: imposition of french will upon a people who wish to be free of tyranny. They want to be free of your control, they sought to topple a government imposed upon the people by you to preserve the trade in diamonds and minerals, to feed your wealth. You sent in troops, destroyed their itsy bitsy airforce and forced the people to capitulate. For now.

Thank you France. We learned to respect you so much for these efforts.

Time: Now
Place: Congo
Event: Attempted genocide
Result: None.

An ongoing effort to extinguish a people and a culture. Over 4 million dead and or displaced. And the world's response: Anxiety over having to contend with yet another group of dark skinned people killing each other. They have condemned the killings and demanded they cease. They have negotiated and talked ... and the murders continue.

Thank you World. We learned to respect you so much for these efforts. It is also nice to know you haven't learned from Algeria, Iraq, Germany, or any of your other follies. You are still as arrogant and as deadly for those you climb into bed with.

I tire of examples. If you want more, we can find another eight easily. All in Africa, all countries that have large mineral resources: oil or tantalum, or diamonds, or the UN oil for food program and the banks that held those billions and where it was located and who profited off the wealth. The French are in bed with the governments in over eight African countries to secure their diamonds and other natural resources for processing by French companies and eventual sale. De Beers is a name and means little more than a name! The subjugation and oppression, death and poverty by France is in large part perpetuated by European companies who profit off the blood diamonds and or diamonds in general (there is no difference nor can any jeweler tell you otherwise).
I tire of Mr Koucher and others of his ilk. Mr. Koucher, Europe lost its magic in the first decade of the 20th century and became little more than soiled bloomers. While you fiddled the world burned and you did nothing or you aided the death and destruction to your benefit. We have nothing to apologize for. The world has a great deal to beg forgiveness for doing and more importantly, for not doing.

Now those who wish to bring up Israel (and if you wish to mention Israel - well, they were a purchaser of French weapons as was Saddam - the same weapons that killed the poor innocent Palestinians - that would be another monkey to hang around their neck) or the Palestinians or the US aide to Saddam - phooey. I do not need to defend the US actions, I am simply pulling those cultured Euros down to our level. If we do not have any magic left, their magic left over a century ago, if not eons before.

Pathetic, insipid little minds reach up as high as they might and always come out looking like spoiled children who hate and resent the United States because of your own complexes. Deal with your genocidal history and in a few hundred years, we can revisit the issue of magic.

I am actually disgusted having to think about dealing with the world. How do you walk into a room knowing they are all pedophiles, and not want to throw up.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.