Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden. Hope Change and the Status Quo

Washington Post: The Case Against Biden

"I've had a great relationship [with Indian Americans]," Biden said. "In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

The New York Observer quoted Biden as calling Obama "articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy"

In 1987, Neil Kinnock happened. Biden borrowed passages of a speech given by Kinnock, a leader in Britain's Labour Party, without attribution -- a mistake that led to a detailed examination of Biden's public statements that turned up several more examples of potential plagiarism and resume inflation. The feeding frenzy eventually chased the Delaware senator from the race.

One of the most overlooked episodes during the 1987 collapse of Biden's campaign was a snippet of footage captured by C-Span in which the Delaware senator, in response to a question about where he went to law school and what sort of grades he received, delivered this classic line: "I think I have a much higher IQ than you do." Not only that line, but everything else in that statement. I would recommend you find that clip, which should be available somewhere soon - EVERYTHING he said was a lie. How do we know? Because he has since changed his story and admitted he was not correct in his statement. What did he say - well, it was all a lie, and not an opinion as to it being a lie, nor was it simply an exageration - it was a flat out lie and very hard to curve it into any sort of truth. Watch it. It is all simply not true. He didn't get an academic scholarship - lie. he Wasn't the only one with a scholarship, academic or otherwise. When he graduated he was in the bottom 5-6 people of the class, not the bottom 2/3. he may have been at the top of the bottom but he was in the bottom of the bottom. He was never in the top 1/2 - he was in the top 1/2 of the bottom 5%, maybe. He was not an outstanding political science student - in truth, he was nominated by a professor, but that was it - nominated. He didn't graduate with 3 degrees - he had 1 degree. He lied.

He lied and plagarized. He is a buffoon.

And as Biden said - It's all about the hair! Check out the video in 1988!!!

(and to be honest, I don't care that people get hair added or plugs or whatever one calls it, but to then make it an issue, given McCain having less hair ... that is just very small of Biden)

During the 2006 confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, the Post's Dana Milbank wrote this of Biden's performance:

"Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., in his first 12 minutes of questioning the nominee, managed to get off only one question. Instead, during his 30-minute round of questioning, Biden spoke about his own Irish American roots, his "Grandfather Finnegan," his son's application to Princeton (he attended the University of Pennsylvania instead, Biden said), a speech the senator gave on the Princeton campus, the fact that Biden is "not a Princeton fan," and his views on the eyeglasses of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)."

There sure is a lot of change with Biden. He has more hair now. Since he turned fifty, he has a full head of hair! Lots of change!

US Elections


I like Joe.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.