Thursday, August 14, 2008

China = Genocide in Darfur

Just like the French MORAL HIGH ROAD against war in Iraq, which was in truth, a road covered in blood money for oil, China sucks up all the oil from Sudan, has signed on to Khartoum's program - stability = oil = China Happy.

Whatever it takes. Genocide in Sudan = China gets oil and is happy.

It is very nearly that simple. Those sorts who push for action in Sudan, will in most cases, be on the other side of action against Iraq, on the side of the French and Chinese who opposed action.

Yet this time, they are on the right side, and I cannot understand how. Their moral clocks are so out of whack, it is near mind-blowing that they get this.

The US needs to take stronger action, and push for world condemnation, push for a UN military action into Sudan, as Bishop Tutu has called for, and they must do it now.

Each day hundreds of lives are lost. Each day families ripped apart, never to be repaired. Each day, it is the end of the world for thousands of people - one way or another, and the UN does NOTHING but talk.

Talk = hundreds dead.

Military action = hundreds dead.

In both cases, innocents will die, BUT at the end of one is freedom. At the end of the other, is continued enslavement.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.