Monday, August 25, 2008

Obamaessiah: Hope Change and all that Jazz

"And by unanimous vote, the party's credentials committee restored full voting rights to delegates from Florida and Michigan. The party had stripped both states of their voting rights for holding primaries before the rules said they could. The committee vote was taken at Obama's behest, and Democrats hope the goodwill gesture will help improve their standing in two important states."

Had Barack agreed to release the delegates, worked to ensure every voice would be counted, back in April and May ... Hillary Clinton would be the nominee. Had the DNC been interested in every vote counting, every voice being heard, had the DNC been interested in change, they would have done more than hope, they would have granted full voting rights to delegates from Florida and Michigan, and Hillary Clinton would be the nominee, without question.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.