Saturday, August 30, 2008

Michael Moore is a Useless Fool

“I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven,” Moore said, laughing. “To have it planned at the same time – that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for day one of the Republican Convention, up in the Twin Cities – at the top of the Mississippi River.”


You could argue he said it as a joke. I doubt he believes in God else he would not be supportive of the many issues he does support, so of course it is all a joke.

However, if a Republican had said the same stupid and ignorant comment, it would be held up as an example of religiosity, ignorance, intolerance, lack of compassion ...

Look fool - if there was God, as in your world view - He would send a hurricane to the Twin Cities and water be damned - He can do it. A hurricane a thousand miles away means nothing when you can flood the earth, you loser.

But for you to joke, after spending years blaming Bush, now you mock the property damage, the loss, the lives ... and you joke.

A silly man made a statement he would pray for rain last Thursday on Obama ... and the liberal press corp picked that one up and ran with it - religiosity, lack of compassion, intolerance, ignorance ...

Moore makes a statement that has a double impact given the history in New Orleans ...

Michael Moore is a fool

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.