Sunday, June 1, 2008

So the Democrats Counted the Votes as 1/2

The Democratic party in Florida went to the polls and voted. They voted for Hillary Clinton. Obama COULD HAVE put his name on the ballot, but he chose not to. In Michigan, the Democratic party voters went to the ballot and they voted for Hillary. She won.

The Democratic party then turned around and said they would not count the Florida and Michigan delegations - they would not be permitted to vote. Their votes didn't count. Amusing coming from a party that wanted 'every vote' counted in 2000.

The Democratic party, on the brink of imploding, voted Saturday to seat each delegate and give them a 1/2 a vote each. How kind of them. Democrats in Florida and Michigan count as 1/2 a person relative to someone from New York or Los Angeles. How mighty white of them.

The Democratic party has fouled this one up worse than they have the legislative branch thus far. What the fools in the DNC should have done way back in January - when Florida and Michigan were pushing to move their primary dates up ... BEFORE THEY DID it, tell them they would not be able to have a primary this year (that way NO ONE WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO VOTE), removing 40% of the issue. It would not have mucked it up as badly as they have, by following my plan. At this moment, tell any state that is thinking about it, that they will not be able to hold primaries, nor will they be allowed to go to the convention. No one will do it and the party will not be on the verge of imploding.

For the party faithful, it doesn't seem like a big deal, in part because you aren't being told.

Imagine voters in Florida and Michigan who wake up Sunday to learn they count as 1/2 a person relative to everyone else. How strongly would you feel like supporting a party that put you in that position. A party that is petrified of Hillary winning. I almost hope she does so she can take the Dems to the woodshed beginning with Pelosi and Dean. Almost worth it to have her win.

A percent will not vote for Obama in Florida and Michigan, a percent will not vote for anyone - and those are two states you need to win. Without them, you can't win, no matter how many parks filled with 70,000 you get elsewhere in the country. The polls have also indicated that a percent will not vote for Obama if Hillary doesn't win, and a percent will vote for McCain (interesting video but it gets to the heart of the disdain MANY Democrats have toward their party).

“I will have to go with being a Democrat, to support her (Clinton),” Curry said finally. “But I know a lot of young people my age, that if it ended up Clinton winning, a lot of people really won’t vote. I’ve heard my friends and family say that.”

Faced with those odds, it is no wonder the Democratic party was/is afraid of Hillary winning. She would be more interested in settling debts first, and then going after McCain, and a lot of people would be on the chopping block.

Happy General Election Everyone.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.