Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Liberals are dangerous to your health

At least if you are Israel.

I believe Kucinich is one of the most dense and ignorant / traitorous people I have had to endure reading about or listening to. However, there are some pretty dumb people, and Charley Reese qualifies as one of the most dense, yet not the most dense.

Superficiality is fine for Hollywood, and everyone knows that - we all makes jokes about how superficial people are, yet some really dense people go around repeating that same behavior without recognizing it as such. take for example Charley Reese's rambling idiocy from June 7.

I have pasted the parts below from the idiocy located at the link listed above.

His post is in RED and mine in GREEN

Which country in the Middle East actually possesses nuclear weapons?

Too simple, Charley. Superficial in fact. There is no absolute proof that Israel has nuclear weapons. But, we all know they do. Your question presupposes an answer which is in fact, NOT in fact or evidence - although, we are pretty sure they have quite a few.

Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?

Again Charley, an intellectually dishonest question. You beg the question with this one, and honestly - a non sequitor. Who the fuck cares Charley and what difference does it make. The Solomon Islands are not a signatory to the treaty either. Neither is Equatorial Guinea. Do you know how bloody idiotic your question is - assume you ask Micronesia what the tentative date will be for their intergalactic exploration team to assume control of earth's planetary defenses. Beyond the implausible nature of the question in so far as intergalactic issues is concerned, what else might be slightly far fetched? The fact Micronesia would ever, as long as Earth exists, be the controlling power.

Now, back to the Middle East - 14 Arab countries who do not have nuclear weapons and until the mid 1990s, could never consider it possible to ever get nuclear weapons, of course they bloody well signed it - they don't have any, and the one country they really hate and want to destroy - does have, and if by signing they could push Israel into a corner and drive support away from Israel into their corner, they would sign their first-borns over to Satan. Besides, if and when they do begin nuclear programs, they will of course say they are only doing it for energy - and fools like you will oblige them, until the day they pop out with a weapon, and fools like you will be aghast that they lied to you, and they will publicly restate their support for non-proliferation - once they have their nukes. And fools like you will believe them, for it is too convenient.

Which country in the Middle East refuses to allow international inspections of its nuclear facilities?

When 14 Arab states, and over 40 total, go to bed each night dreaming and wishing for your removal off planet earth - I would never show anyone what I had either, for at that time it would force me to abide by programs and policies and inspections that could and would threaten your security, for the agency that oversees nuclear issues is dominated by pro-Arab / anti-Israeli countries. Imagine the issues if Israel admitted it had weapons. Tomorrow the UN would demand Israel comply, let in inspectors. if Israel failed to oblige, the UN would put sanctions on Israel, forcing the EU and individual European countries to stop all trade with Israel ($50 billion a year between imports and exports). If Israel complied, enemies of Israel would know the location of every weapon and its size. This would be of immense help to the Arab states that wish to destroy Israel. People like you would be leading that charge.

By the way - letting someone in, doesn't mean you show them anything. Saddam is the best example. Iran now, the IAEA admits Iran has tricked them and will not show everything they have.

Showing doesn't mean telling the truth. Are you all show - superficiality.

Which countries in the Middle East have called for the region to be a nuclear-free zone?
The Arab countries and Iran.

Puhleeze. The IAEA has admitted that Iran's nuclear program is not what we are shown and told. They are hiding elements. the only people who refuse to understand this are fools like yourself.

Again, anyone who doesn't have a nuke wants to ensure a nuclear free zone. Once they get one, they will never give it up AND you can't make them.

The world is now very concerned about Iran. The world knows Iran is not building the plants for energy only. That for Iran, possession of a nuclear weapon is the only way to be taken seriously. The history of Iran is one of pride and history - a great empire that after 1979 was ignored by the world. These acolytes of death want respect and for them respect comes with weapons. The bigger the better. They looked around the world at the super powers - each has nuclear weapons. They want weapons.

Syria was in the early stages. Egypt has made several statements that make it clear their interest in nuclear energy. Saudi Arabia wants nuclear power.

And from the nuclear waste - weapons.

I can sign any treaty - it means nothing, especially if the party signing does not accept the laws or rules of the West. Their rules do not bind them to contracts signed with Westerners, unless it suits them.

Which country in the Middle East occupies land belonging to other people?
Israel, which occupies a piece of Lebanon, a larger piece of Syria, East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.

As of 2005, Israel pulled every soldier out of Gaza. Since that day, an average of ten rockets have been fired, each day, into Israel from Gaza.

Jerusalem, for the simple minded, was Jewish, and at one time, controlled by the Christians. It was not until the 8th century that Muslims took the city. before the Christians. To be honest, Christians should retake what they controlled.

Take a little piece of truth, ignore the facts, and then throw in untruths. The habit of the left, especially when it comes to Israel.

Which country in the Middle East has for 60 years refused to allow refugees to return to their homes and refused to consider compensation to them for their lost property?

Over 700,000 Jews were forced from their lands in Arab countries at the same time - those countries refuse to let them return and get their property back, yet the only Jewish state should let non-Jews take control of Israel. Do you honestly believe what you are writing, or is your hate so short-sighted you cannot understand what you espouse.

Which country has roads on which citizens who are Arab may not drive and housing developments where Arabs may not live?

And Arabs in Israel can vote, hold seats in the legislature, and live better and more productive lives than the average Arab in any Arab country, where Jews do not have such rights. The claim is also false, but for areas around specific places.

I grow weary of anti-Semitic people using the cover of Arab/Israeli issues to disperse their anti-Jewish rhetoric. It is hateful and vile, it is a lie. That is the larger issue Charley, that you are a liar.




Mohamed ElBaradei: "If Iran wants to turn to the production of nuclear weapons, it must leave the NPT, expel the IAEA inspectors, and then it would need at least... Considering the number of centrifuges and the quantity of uranium Iran has..."

Interviewer: "How much time would it need?"

ElBaradei: "It would need at least six months to one year. Therefore, Iran will not be able to reach the point where we would wake up one morning to an Iran with a nuclear weapon."

Interviewer: "Excuse me, I would like to clarify this for our viewers. If Iran decides today to expel the IAEA from the country, it will need six months..."

ElBaradei: "Or one year, at least..."

Interviewer: "... to produce [nuclear] weapons?"

ElBaradei: "It would need this period to produce a weapon, and to obtain highly-enriched uranium in sufficient quantities for a single nuclear weapon." [...]

dumb shits

fucking morons idiots and shitheads

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.