Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bush Never Lied to Us About Iraq - LA Times

Bush Never Lied.

The greatest lie, is that he lied. And like all lies, EVENTUALLY it will be common knowledge that those purveyors of the lie will be caught. They know it, they just want to win an election regardless of the truth.

Bush Never Lied to Us About Iraq
June 16, 2008, James Kirchick

The article suggests it was bad intelligence and everyone had the same intelligence including Obama, who contrary to his Alzheimer's today, did not oppose the war, he simply believed we should try harder, and if that failed then war, but he never opposed the war. If you are an Obamessiah follower, the truth doesn't matter so no point to mentioning it, you'd believe him if he told you flowers grew out of his ass.

I would go back a few steps and argue, it wasn't even the intelligence, so much as the facts were all true, just that the details of the facts were not satisfied.

No intelligence service on earth believed Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction. Saddam did have weapons of mass destruction, that is a fact, BUT for the losercrats, big hulking metal cylinders saying WMD on them, were not found, yet everyone in the intelligence community around the globe, believed they existed, AS DID SADDAM. The detail of the fact was, they did exist in 1995, but didn't exist in 2003.

All this has been flushed out quite well by several writers, but the point is lost when we start droning on about WMDs - BUSH NEVER SAID we would go in to Iraq to get Saddam's WMDs. NEVER SAID it was imminent. Never said we would go to war over WMDs. Never said.

The greatest lie in the last eight years is that Bush lied.

Shame on the liars, for they not only play politics with security, they present to the world a lie that is then picked up by the world and used as reason to distrust / dislike / hate us ... and it was all based upon a lie.




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