Friday, June 27, 2008

North Korea - Diplomatic victory for Bush, sort of?

New York Times
June 27, 2008

A Diplomatic Success That Defies the Critics

By Steven Lee Myers

WASHINGTON — North Korea's declaration of its nuclear activities is a triumph of the sort of diplomacy — complicated, plodding, often frustrating — that President Bush and his aides once eschewed as American weakness.

In more than two years of negotiations, the man who once declared North Korea part of an “axis of evil” with Iran and Iraq, angrily vowing to confront, not negotiate with, its despotic leader, in fact demonstrated a flexibility that his critics at home and abroad once considered impossible.
That is why Mr. Bush is likely to receive only grudging credit, if any, for the accomplishment, which could turn out to be the last significant diplomatic breakthrough of his presidency.

North Korea’s declaration — and the administration’s quid pro quo lifting of some sanctions — faced criticism from conservatives who attacked it as too little and from liberals who said it came too late.

“The regime’s nuclear declaration is the latest reminder that, despite Mr. Bush’s once bellicose rhetoric, engaging our enemies can pay dividends,” Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, whom Mr. Bush defeated in the 2004 presidential election, said in a statement after the declaration on Thursday.

“Historians will long wonder,” he continued, “why this administration did not directly engage North Korea before Pyongyang gathered enough material for several nuclear weapons, tested a nuclear device and the missiles to deliver them.”

[to read the remainder of the article, click on the title link above]


So this victory, and we will not know if it is a diplomatic victory for some time, this victory for Bush, will not be given to him, because - his opponents hate him. His opponents lavished PRAISE upon Bill Clinton for the Agreed Framework signed by the US and N Korea - that N Korea violated within six months, but hey, not a big deal.

By the way Senator, either a) you know, or b) you don't know. If the answer is A you are a liar. If the answer is B, you are wholly too dumb to be in the Senate.

Senator, you know that Bush tried, from 2000 - 2003, to negotiate with N Korea. There were more than two dozen attempts, meetings, and or discussions held between N Korea and China or the six party talks. Several years worth of discussions Senator. You also know the Clinton administration, upon realizing that N Korea had violated the Agreed Framework, argued as best it could at not arguing with N Korea - the close your eyes and pretend mentality. Why? you know this answer as well Senator - the shining example, nearly his only one, of a foreign policy success, was a failure within six months and he was not willing to acknowledge it as such and Democrats didn't wish to discuss it for fear it would lead to even greater division during the impeachment of Mr. Clinton.

Senator, you know the Bush administration tried with N Korea, UNTIL he set off his bombs. Then we reinforced the sanctions, imposed new ones, brought the world together to tighten the screws, and at the same time, and you know this Senator - Bush engaged China in pursuing change in N Korea on its nuclear program. THAT COUNTS AS DIPLOMACY you twit.

What is astounding Senator is that you and other Democrats prefer politics to policy. You put your party and the politics of division ahead of this country. You so hate Bush, if God Himself came down from on high and told the world Bush was a good guy, you would refuse to believe it, argue it was a trick, and then decide that your God would never say such a thing about Bush so therefore the voice heard was not God. I love your petty politics.

I would suggest Senator, that had Bush followed the Billy pattern of talk - North Korea would have a whole warehouse of nuclear weapons today. that it was only due to Bush's aggressive policy in Iraq and elsewhere, his stubborn refusal to capitulate, as did Billy, that ultimately brought North Korea back.

Stop with the petty politics Senator.

Fucking idiots


dumb fucks


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