Friday, May 16, 2008

Unlikely Future

Having to contend with elected officials who believe the United States should sit down and have serious diplomacy with terrorist states, young people who believe negotiation is preferable to standing up to and resisting terrorism, an education system that teaches traditional values in America are bad or harmful, discriminatory, and oppressive - it is no wonder that students in college do not know our history or the history of the world.

It's a good job the left has done on our education system when four out of five college seniors from the top 55 colleges and universities in the United States received a grade of D or F on the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests (these tests are given to high school students).

Moore and Stone must pray students never get any brighter or they lose their audience. The Losercrats must spend every ounce of energy fighting to keep the educational system in the condition it is presently in, to ensure the general citizenry is too ignorant of history to know the difference when they are lied to. Hmm. That would explain why losercrats are always screaming about education. It never educates anyone, but they sure scream about it. I would to. If it worked, they would lose their financial support system and millions of gullible lemers.

Cultural relativisim - some things are most assuredly very important.
- 99% were able to identify Beavis and Butthead (the test I read was from 1999-2000).
- 98% could identify Snoop Doggy Dogg.

Meanwhile, about 1/3 could identify the Constitution as the document that establishes the division in government.

- 23% could identify James Madison as the father of the Constitution.

Of course those historical facts are white facts and not relevant any longer. They are so immersed in white history and oppression, that historians do not believe those two small details as relevant as Snoop.

But even more disturbing - you pay over $30,000 a year at these elite institutions and do not learn about our history, they learn cultural relativism, which reinforces the crap Moore and Stone foist upon a public satiated on culture over history. Students can now graduate "from 100% of the top colleges without taking a single course in American history."

With no memory of our past and no understanding of our present, we are pretty pathetic - except to watch Moore and Stone. "Novelist Milan Kundera once said that, if you want to destroy a country, destroy its memory. If a hostile power wanted to erase America's civic heritage, it could hardly do a better job - short of actually prohibiting the study of American history - than America's elite colleges and universities are doing."

Our universities are doing such a great job. Create several departments for specific ethnic or racial groups, teach their culture, and reinforce that their people had their culture stolen from them, oppressed in foreign lands ... odd that belief is, given what they accomplish with their mediocrity in teaching ... American history is not taught and we lose our memory of who and what we are, the courses in African American studies do not adequately represent the genuine history or culture for African Americans, leaving students unaware of who they are now and with little clue of who they were in centuries past - they are genuinely lost. What an accomplishment - to do in several generations, what racist white men took several hundred years to accomplish.

What a future we have to look forward to.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.