Thursday, May 29, 2008

Culturally Impoverished

The last, very long post, dealt with the failings, in my opinion, of whats his name - to thoroughly explicate why he and so many others do not like America, think so little of America that they would place America subservient to the UN, would take an entire book. I think I began the process in the very long post, but so to have many others, long before me.

The point of this is, sometimes we have great ideas, or really smart ideas, phrases, thoughts, expressions ... and we lose them in time. We can't remember the argument as well weeks later. That is the point of many of these posts, to allow review. What isn't seen are the labels that allow searches to be done on words, or in my case, many words, adjectives, labels, phrases. It is easier than printing off articles and filing them in a cabinet, as I am very, very, very slow at filing and I end up with piles (think several feet) of articles with no means of finding what I need at any given moment.
End Sidebar

The long post about whats his name is about him, but it is also about an ideology that permeates a small subsection of a larger portion of the American populace. This ideology is deadly to almost everything that America was and is, and could ever be. The plan or goal is to dismantle everything they believe is a hindrance to the fulfillment of their happiness (to find out what makes them happy - read the long post on whats his name), or to the happiness of mankind. The problem is not that they are unhappy, nor that some things would thrill them, if changed. Rather, it is their failure to understand the most basic of economics, international politics, diplomacy, and human behavior, and instead to believe that all human behavior can be modified by the carrot and no stick, or where a stick is needed, the world will naturally agree on a stick.

America is wealthy, not because the poor were robbed, nor because the world was raped. America is wealthy because of our ingenuity, and entrepreneurial spirit, supported and encouraged by our political and economic system. No other country, and no other people have that combination, and you cannot simply transplant our attitudes and beliefs onto another people and suddenly they will prosper (no more than you can impose our democratic system on a Middle Eastern country). Yet, a large subsection of Obamessiah followers do believe that there is no difference between what we have, and how we have achieved it, and any other country or people, culture on earth. That but for the luck of ... they would be where we are.

What these messianic followers believe is that America is full of bad things, corrupted and vile, we shoot each other, car jackings, rapes, robberies - and all because the perpetrator is poor and young, and we should provide them with educational opportunities not jail. That our jails are already too full and we, a crime ridden society, are terrified of each other because we live with guns and fear, and each (guns and hate) perpetuates the cycle of hate in our cities where the poor have no hope and respond accordingly.

The messianic followers look at the more civilized countries, where they do not have guns and people do not die in shootouts on the freeways, or in shootouts with the police, and they dream to themselves: if only we transplanted that culture and its laws on guns onto the American system!! I suppose, right after we impose our democratic system on Middle Eastern countries - using that same dream state argument!

Well, we would hear - other countries like the UK, FR, CA, and GR, have less gun violence and a more civilized and tolerant culture. We would believe all this nonsense, if the messianic followers could convince us, and they do try - from early grade school through college, they are trying! Persistent they are.

Then comes this story from Canada - Calgary, the gateway to the West (in Canada) - a booming city.

National Post, May 29, 2008.
(I have no link to the original story as the source I get some news bits from are not free and thus do not have links but the links below are as complete as possible.)

Five Dead in Calgary Home.
Original Link. One more Link. Another Link. Another. Video.

Three adults and two children aged 4 and 6 were STABBED to death. The
only living person in the house - a one year old found crying and unharmed. The rest of the family had been slaughtered. The initial inspectors/police on the scene have gone into counseling.

That's the thing about violence ... no guns needed. They will slaughter without them, entire families, children, mothers, fathers. No matter.

Rwanda - of the million butchered, most were killed with the machete. One does not need a gun to kill every living person in a village. What retards. Knives are so much easier and quieter. Just ask OJ.

Just think - what if the Tutsi had been armed. The Useless. Nations. would not have been needed - not that they did anything but watch.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.