Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Obamaification of our military - petrifying

Tweedle Dee has a video I have just seen on Youtube. He is explaining his military policy.


I have linked the video at the bottom of the page above the music groups which is disturbing because I like the music.

Now, just so we don't throwing water all over Bush as Obama does so quickly, Bush within six months of taking office had agreed with Putin to remove all our nuclear weapons from their hair trigger alert system and take them off line. I am not sure what weapons Obama wants to take off line, but Bush didn't negotiate anything to get that - he sat down with Putin and they agreed. Obama would give away the store to get what Bush got for nothing. That's called HARD negotiation!

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.