Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Gallup Poll

Mr. Obama,

May I ask sir, why you had to force through your healthcare vision, despite overwhelming opposition to it throughout the United States?

I understand sir, you do not believe that a majority oppose it, rather they were frustratd at the lack of energy and productivity on the issue - not with you and your desire to ram it through.

Gallup Poll has a new low for you sir, despite ramming through your healthcare vision, the people overwhelmingly reject you.  It cannot possibly be because you haven't gotten your bill through - you rammed it through without adhereing to any of your promises to the American people about transparency.  You violated your promises and their trust.  So what could possibly account for your low ratings?

Of course every president suffers low numbers.  Reagan did and they want him on the $50 bill.  So perhaps you assume with your braintrust, that your numbers will come up.  Perhaps, but they are very low sir after you passed your historic healthcare vision.  Unless you plan on eradicating all nuclear weapons on earth, ending poverty, and world hunger - I am not sure what more you can do to get the numbers up.  It seems to me sir, the more you do, the lower your numbers.

Good luck sir, and all the Democrats who supported your vision of healthcare.  It seems to me, the people now get their opportunity to show you what their vision for America really is.  I hope you enjoy the ride.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.