Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It is rather depressing watching Obama bow to the Chinese, wag the finger at the Canadian Prime Minister, lecture the French President, kiss the ass of the Russian President, scold Germany's Merkle ... our international position is weakening day by day, it is not being strengthened.

It is insane listening to the inane ramblings of these fools at the nuclear summit.  In 4 years they will have all their material under control.  Brilliant, and if I am certain within four years a device is detonated and millions die - who the heck cares if they get it under control in four years.  Not the millions who were vaporized.  Stupid idiotic rambling fools.  Obama and his feckless policy - kiss ass with China and Russia - hoping they will stand up to Iran and they have done this more than a half dozen times, and then after all the begging, they say no and Iran is closer than ever to possessing nuclear weapons.

We are less safe today than at any time since 1963.  It is insane what this administration is doing and the damage it is heaping on the people of this country and our economy.  It shows a myopic understanding of anything economic, little to no understanding of anything international, and a little bit of arrogant condescension toward everyone.

Every article, every event has flecks of everything listed above and it does get very bothersome looking at them.  I have stopped, but for a rare few pieces. 

It is far too depressing to continue hoping he will grow a brain. 

We now have to hope we and the rest of the world can survive another 2.5 years.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.