Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Codepink: Code Red, Loons Loose.

CODEPINK activists attempted to stage a citizens arrest of Karl Rove at his book signing in Sacramentoon May 10, 2010.  As the woman is being dragged away, it is unclear whether the voice screaming is her, or another member of her cabal, but some female yells out - Karl Rove is a war criminal, Karl Rove is a war criminal, Karl Rove is a war criminal ...

So my question is, exactly how and why is he a war criminal?

I would assume the response would be, his service to a president who is also a war criminal, his support for a war that is illegal and has resulted in the deaths of X millions of innocent poor people ...

Except the current president is also supporting the same wars, providing the same military with the same bullets and ammunition, including the same deaths of innocents in Afghanistan, and more, the attacks into Pakistan by US forces resulting in the deaths of scores of innocent people.  Obama is also a war criminal, as is Biden, and the entire Democratic Congress (along with Republicans, but then again, they were war criminals last time around so they can't be war war criminal criminals, they are already war criminals only now there is an added bonus - so is Obama).

I assume Code Pink will attempt to arrest Rahm Emmanuel and Joe Biden, and Barack Obama.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.