Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Attempted New York Bomber

Faisal Shahzad claims he had no help, no support, no assistance - he was a lone wolf as Shumer asserts.

Except he took his wife to Pakistan with his children and left them there.

He received training in terrorist camps in Pakistan in bomb making.

His family is in Pakistan.

He knows who the others are, and he has an idea that other attacks are planned, but why would he say anything ... he has a wife and children, and a family, and he wants them to stay alive.  He has no concern for himself in this, beyond the hope, now dashed, that he could get back to them. 

Our government will offer him various deals, and he will not accept them if he is a devout follower of his death cult, which I am more inclinded to believe than not. 

There are other Senator Shumer, he is not a lone wolf, nor is he on-off as Napolitano suggested.  If they believe he is, they are as dangerous as he is, for our security and seniopr leadership rests with people who are not very bright.

I do hope someone in our government is paying attention.  Two attacks (attempted) in the last six months - plus the two that unwrapped too quickly such as the Najibullah Zazi case in September  and the Newburgh plot in May - both last year, 2009.   Prior to 2008 - none for the nearly 6.5+ years.  It should say something to you.

dumb shits

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.