Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama and the State of the Union

With unemployment going up, the national debt now nearly 2 trillion more than it was but one year ago, we now learn that housing sales on existing homes are worse than they have been in forty yearsOf course all of this is Bush's fault - for that matter, so is global warming.  Everything is his fault and nothing is Obama's fault - I suppose we will hear that when Obama takes to the teleprompter to give his version of what he has done for us.  Mr. Obama cannot go anywhere without his teleprompter - to an elementary school, on the campaign trail, for speeches, statements to the press ... the man is tied to his teleprompter.  We can only imagine what would happen without his teleprompter!  Perhaps show us how inarticulate he really is.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.