Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Obama and Amidinejad Sitting in a Tree

US secretary of state Hillary Clinton announced Monday: "The Obama administration wants to keep the door to dialogue open with Iran."

Which means: Iran can have nuclear weapons and the US will not try to stop them.  Obama in action.  Please be aware of how utterly feckless this policy is - The US has decided that sanctions are not the route to go - after all, talking to Iran for six years under Bush and a year under Obama accomplished a lot!  We have 7 years of discussions with Iran and .. what do we have to show for it?  Iran on the verge of possessing several nuclear weapons.  And this is regarded as acceptable by Obama?  By liberals? 

Well, what you have decided is that Israelis will die, Iranians will die, and a greater conflict will erupt in the Middle East - because that is exactly what will happen, relatively soon.  Israel will have to act and when it does, its actions will be in direct response to the failure of the US to act in any serious manner.  When the death toll mounts, look to Obama.  When the conflagration spreads, look to Obama.

THIS is what happens when you elect an inexperienced community organizer to the US Senate, and immediately thereafter, to the highest office on the planet - the US Presidency.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.