Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

July 4

Despite statements to the contrary, we are a country of exceptionalism. What began as an experiment, one far from certain for many years, with 2.5 million people in 1776, is today over 305 million, still living that experiment. We have, in every field, led the way. Today we follow in many, not because our exceptionalism is gone, but because we have stopped believing. Regardless of whether one believes or not, believing does not change the basic nature of our people, for we are leaders, and most of us still believe, as no others do, in the indomitable spirit of mankind.

We are not Greece nor France, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, nor Australia, we are not Germany, Spain, or Portugal, nor are we Russia, China, nor Canada. We lead, and we lead because we must for no other nation on this earth will lead, will fight for the liberty of their people, or some far off group.

In many countries, liberty is talked about, but it is not deeply held. It is something they do when they have free time or a few extra dollars, but always within a very narrow window of action. Sort of like the UN - act when everyone agrees to peace. The ideal of liberty is bantered about like a beach ball, but the ideal of all men being free, often loses focus when the question of how do we ensure that the French or Germans or Japanese or Russians regain their liberty is in question.

It has been the United States who has acted to restore liberty around the world. We have done so with the blood of our young, to ensure the opportunity of all men and women to live out their lives, free. Russia fought the Nazis, not for the freedom of Europe, but for the ultimate enslavement of Europe. France fought - not to free Europe, but to save itself. Britain fought, not for the ideal of liberty, but to save itself from certain doom. Poland fought valiantly and lost quickly. The rest of Europe either surrendered, or was swallowed up too quickly to mention. We, the American people acted - not to ensure free trade (as Britain had involved itself with Belgium and ultimately the war in Europe), but to save Europe from a certain fate on several occasions.

I am aware, and should not even waste the moment, that some detractors will say we (the US) only acted to save money, or for trade ... they are a sad lot to believe in nothing but human greed. It is unlikely they believe their own mothers could love them without an economic benefit. The facts exist, and while there is some support for their claims, it is not what ultimately drives the American people to defeat evil repeatedly, with the loss of over a million American men and women - military and civilian.

We fought for our freedom and for an ideal, even if the ideal was unclear at the time - we fought, and we won. We have ever since stood as a beacon for all mankind. An exceptional country with an exceptional people, capable of exceptional actions, when liberty is imperiled and mankind calls. No oppressive regime or despot can stand against the ideal of liberty when it is embodied in the peoples of the United States.

I give thanks to the men and women who serve our exceptional country and the ideals it represents to mankind, each day, and most especially on our nation's day of celebration - July 4. Without our Marines, Soldiers, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the many others who serve, often, without public recognition - we would not be what we are today; we would not be the nation all man looks to for answers, for freedom, for hope. It is a solemn responsibility and one we have not abandoned through all the ages - we the exceptional people of the United States.

Have we made mistakes? Yes, but no nation has given more for others than the exceptionalism that is the American nation. Fools suffer the consequences of doubting our ability to respond to any event at any time, and mistake compassion and the abhorrence of losing American lives, for weakness. No attack on our soil will defeat our will to prevail. We will prevail against a weak administration or foreign enemy. It will never diminish our spirit, nor end our desire for liberty - not just for ourselves, but for all of humanity, and when the dust settles we, the American people will stand as we have for more than 230 years - free.

While it is technically an American holiday, it is, in a larger sense, the world's holiday - for had we not stood up against tyranny and oppression in 1776, this world would be a very different place today. We celebrate more than our nation's Independence, we celebrate mankind's opportunity for independence from tyranny and oppression.

independence day

July 4

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.