Sunday, January 11, 2009

TV / MOVIES or nothing

I do not watch TV - no programs, no news, no nothing. I do not have satellite and yet I do have many many channels - I do not watch any network or cable television. I do watch HBO and SHOWTIME OnDemand. To be honest, I rarely watch these offerings (one series only). Instead, I watch movies.

Movies do what little else can. Take you away from a world that is surely not doing well, away from leaders who are too naive to care for themselves let alone the country, and God forbid, make a difference in saving the world. Movies do not (RARELY) hold political views, and more often are simply fantastical tales of misery or terror. Great efforts at diverting attention.

Television is, without any question, fully digested by every useless and petty cause in our country. It appeals to nothing because it stands for nothing. It represents everything and nothing.



Once again it has shown that excellent writing and brilliant acting combine to form one of the best television programs to be on television in the last decade.

I believe we all know, or most of us (vast majority except for Garofolo et al) that Jack does what he does to save lives. That saving lives is of far more import in every scheme of things, in every major analysis to abiding by codes that were written for a time and a people who did not believe in annihilation of the human race. It was written before bin laden told the world he and his ilk would like to die and kill everyone else when they die. We cannot afford to let them win, because every time one of them wins, hundreds of us die - and that is a loss we must not accept, and one I do not believe the American people accept, however distasteful the behavior Jack may engage in.

It is not a matter of blurring reality and fantasy - Jack is a character on television. There are people who are charged with saving our lives and they must walk a fine line. I for one will give them a wide line to walk, and even straddle if it means saving hundreds, thousands, millions of lives - even Garofolo's.

Thus far, it is a brilliant program - with one small mistake.

Air traffic controllers are talking. One of them uses Tony Almaeda's name when mentioning the people involved. It was an air traffic controller, not the boss, not FBI ... just a controller. They would not know his name.

Otherwise - brilliant.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.