Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dear Hamas and Palestinians

“We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us” - Golda Meir.

More appropriate today than ever.

On the BBC website, October 13, 2008, a woman was interviewed by the BBC reporter, telling him that she had just married and wanted to blow herself up and become a martyr.

She informed the reporter that becoming a suicide bomber was a "gift from God and that every Palestinian was "created to become martyrs for God." The reporter tells us that she was very well spoken, and more articulate than the males in her like cadre of killers (my word not his). The female states very clearly and unambiguously that "all the Palestinian people were created to fight in God's name. If we just throw stones at the Jews they get scared. Imagine what happens when body parts fly at them."

This female had "just graduated from a programme to train female suicide bombers in Gaza."

And we might wonder what was happening in October to prompt this dire turn of events in Gaza??
There was a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel.

Why then would someone go to a 'school' and train for at least, what, a few days or a week, in order to graduate from a program ... which pushes back the date to the beginning of October when she began her 'training' and even weeks before, when she would have made the decision to go forward - ALL THE WHILE Hamas was benefiting from a 'unilateral ceasefire' with Israel.

I say unilateral because Hamas never stopped sending grad rockets or other various sorts of rockets flying into homes, businesses, schools, and streets. Meanwhile, Israel tolerated and waited, and did nothing.

Yet it seems clear Hamas was already planning - to have a killer school before the ceasefire was over, and to have recruited, long before the ceasefire ended ... seems like, to me at least, they were planning on the ceasefire being violated!! or am I intuiting too much?

In her words, she is "waiting for the collapse of the ceasefire", and believes that "Israel is readying for another large incursion into Gaza." With a little more certainty a Jihad spokesman added, there is "a clear Zionist decision and trend to end and break the lull."


The truce was not to end until the end of December.

On November 28, during their Sabbath meal, the rockets rained down on an IDF base near Nahal Oz. Six soldiers were wounded, several seriously. The truce was, for Israel, still in place. For the Hamas, it didn't matter.

Prior to the attack, Defense Minister Barak was working intensely with various emissaries to get Hamas to accept an unwritten extension of the truce. Barak believed the agreement had been reached, and then the attack on the soldiers.

Hamas declared it would end the ceasefire/truce, and did so prior to the date it was to end.

Israels response? It waited. No troops, no invasions, no occupations. It waited and the rockets rained down on Israeli towns. Israels response - it waited. It cut off supplies to Gaza, WHILE ALLOWING in necessary items, but only bare minimum. Reasonable - to get you to correct your very bad behavior, I will cut off things that you benefit from (Hamas was selling many of these emergency items to Palestinians and using those proceeds for .... special tools) until you change your behavior. For Hamas - reason is beyond hoping for. They used the restrictions in their attacks on Israel - "This is a crime against innocent civilians ... Half the population of Gaza are women and children, and they have nothing to do with the fighting."

It was heartening to read a Palestinian concerned about women and children - he would feed the women and save the children. Made me feel better.

Except, that isn't the case. The evidence exists, the videos exist - Hamas use children as shields, they hide between women and children, they use schools and mosques, they shoot from the homes of people who are forced to bear the brunt of response from the IDF.

I suppose the woman killer, ready to die for her god, was right - ALL the Palestinian people (women and children included) were "created to become martyrs for God."

So Hamas is simply helping the children to become martyrs, in which case, there should not be great anger when Israel obliges. They should rejoice.

Yet Hamas responds by informing the world that they will now kill Israeli children.

They were planning on the truce being broken, Israel refused to fall into that trap thus frustrating Hamas who after sending 3-5 rockets daily into Israeli towns could not goad Israel into acting so Hamas upped the ante - it provoked the attacks further, and when Israel responded, they used women and children as shields, and when women and children were killed, Israel is blamed.

The world media complained they were not permitted into Gaza, yet Reuters and AP and AFP seemed to have scores of photos each day from Gazza city. Not sure how they did it if the IDF was not allowing the media in? One photo stuck out - a Hamas member, face covered, holding a sheep in a tunnel. Hamas began a PR effort to convince the world that the tunnels Israel was blowing up, stretching from Gaza into Egypt, were used to smuggle in necessities.

The tunnels were constructed to smuggle in rockets, weapons, munitions, and Hamas leaders, assassins, and others. The tunnels were their escape routes if the IDF knocked on their doors. The tunnels were their place to hide if the IDF invaded. The Palestinian people would have to stand and fight, Hamas went underground. Of course they were not hiding, they were 'strategizing', and would of course respond to every death inflicted upon any Palestinian family - they would punish Israel, just as soon as they crawled out of their tunnel, presumably with their sheep.

They would like us to believe Israel was cutting off ALL food, ALL electricity, ALL aid, ALL water ... when the reality was quite funny - Israel was sending in most of everything they received, and some for free. Hamas was then selling it to Palestinians. Very odd - all electricity cut off, yet the tunnels were run on electricity and lights. No lights, dark tunnels, doubtful anyone was crawling on their hands and knees and no torches allowed with all those boxes of munitions.

The problem with the world media is they don't think too deeply, they emote quickly and move on. Little Hamas says has more than .01% truth to it, and more often is 100% false. Rarely does a Palestinian speak and say anything truthful - often it is a convoluted mess of lies, rubbish, half-truths, distorted facts, and stupid conspiracies.

It is difficult to speak to people who are often too focused on hate to focus on living.

You cannot teach your children to hate and kill, and when they are killed - believe anyone but you, who taught them to hate and kill, are responsible.

That female who graduated from Death Inc - when the BBC reporter asked her about children, and wouldn't she like a child and would she be bothered by being pregnant and then killing herself, she responded:

"I would wait until I delivered the baby," she said. "I would give him to my parents and ask them to look after him... "

I have to wonder though - climbing into her bedroom for one moment - what if she and her husband had sex Monday and she became pregnant through that unfortunate event, what then. Muslims, like Catholics will accept life from very early on. So assume she has no source of testing, and two weeks later she is putting her belt on and realizes she is a bit puffy and somehow finds a pregnancy tester - she is pregnant. Does she wait for 8 months and lose out on so much fun, or go ahead and blow herself to hell? And what if she doesn't opt to check to see if she is pregnant, she is killing her unborn child and that is a bad thing in Islam, as if murdering people was not a bad thing to do.

"Then I would leave them [her parents] and the baby would remain behind as a piece of me."

Evidently, if she were to go through with this, there would be many pieces of her, everywhere.

When you love your children more than you hate, there will be peace.

Until then, at least die like men - do not hide in schools, behind women or children, in mosques, hospitals, or in homes where you hold families from leaving for safety.

The IDF will give you what you want - a chance to meet your god, just leave the children out of it, leave the women, leave the innocent Palestinian people alone - leave the city, make a last stand with your fellow murderers on some hilltop, away from populated areas, and let the women and children you so cry for, have a chance at life, after you are sent off to meet Shaitan.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.