Sunday, August 15, 2010

Women and Breast Cancer

Women aged 20-24 in the U.S. had the lowest incidence rate of breast cancer from 2002-2006, at 1.4 cases per 100,000 women. The 75-79 age group had the highest incidence rate, 441.9 cases per 100,000 women.

Provided by The World Almanac 2010

I do have a question on the above stat as it relates to women 20-24. 


What is it about that group, or what condition/s exist that they have the lowest rate?

Buehler, Buehler, Buehler ...

Regular testing!  Both personal and by their doctor!!  The personal examination will catch anything they can feel while their doctor's exam will catch what they can't see.


Women today have the lowest rates for breast cancer (when you factor in how low it is for the young and then insert the increased incidence for older females, you still come out with a lower figure than existed for women in general in the 1970s and 1980s.


Except Mr. Obama's healthplan just cut out your yearly visit to the gynecologist.  The medical system reevaluated the frequency of women seeing their doctors and decided that it is recommended women see their gynecologist every couple years (you see how you can do a negative by doing a positive).

It had been recommended you go yearly.  So women went yearly and the rate for breast cancer dropped.
Now because the rate is so low, the medical system has decided it is no longer necessary for women to go with such frequency, and they are now recommending a 100% increase in the time, before it is recommended young women see their gynecologist for an exam.

And before you go geezing, the medical system (the gynecologists on the committee recommending the change) do not practice medicine, and or have retired from the practice - yet they were installed on the committee. 

Yes, I know, just because X, does not make Y.  They did what they did doesn't mean it has any connection to Obama - except it does.  His health plan was being debated at that time and part of it includes the absolute necessity to minimize costs (because he knows unlike the Useful Idiots who defend his system as not having a death panel) - you must keep the costs down and part of the costs in a socialized system will be - all of you going to the doctor too often. 

They read the political tea leaf in their cup and got out in front of the bus.  Unfortunately, they threw women under the bus as they ensured their survival under the Obama death march.

Prognosis:  An increase in the next 5 years of cancer in young women, but it may not be reflected in actual statistics for 7-10 years.  Why?  Initial cases will always be attributed to: environment, living conditions, and lifestyle, and the big one - genetics.

Many women will have to die needlessly, before this by-product of Obamacare is modified.  The modification will be made for young women, but older women will still be given the heave ho.  Self exams will be regularly encouraged, perhaps frequent personal service announcements on television urging women to do self-exams.  Many of the older females will be on Medicare - they are already broke, and underr Obama - less frequent doctor visits!  

Hello Mortuary - I know you've been waiting!


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.