Saturday, December 19, 2009

Global Warming

Global Warming.

Even if we follow the very loose application of global warming - that places previously warm would cool and cooler places would warm ... we find Afghanistan, a place normally cool (in the mountains) freezing beyond their normal temperatures (from the last eight years).  Denmark - snow and cold - average, in a place that gets snow and cold.  Britain - more snow than average and more cold than average, for a place that gets snow and cold.  Australia - colder summer than they have experienced in the last decade, in a place that is normally warm / hot.  Chile - where summer is in bloom, cool weather has made living easier in the cities.  Canada - coldest winter in decades - in a place that is normally cold.  California, a place of moderate temperatures - greater cooling period with more rain than last year to date.  Most of the US - colder.  In fact November will be one of the coldest months on average for the US states.  Egypt - a place normally hot, has had cooler temperatures between October and December.  We simply do not find sustained warmer temperatures anywhere.  We do find colder temperatures everywhere and have for a few years. 

These facts are not in debate, they are universally accepted and there is consensus on the data.

So if this is so, a reasonable person would ask - why were over 130 countries represented in Copenhagen - are all of these people dense / clueless / brain dead / gullible?

The answer - no.  They have an agenda that is separate from any global warming issue, and for the moment global warming fulfills the role they need it to - the vehicle they have embraced to achieve their desired outcome.

In France - warm beaches now find snow:

global warming

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.