Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hey Hey BHO What Have You Done To Lower Gas Prices Today!

Hey Hey BHO What Have You Done To Lower Gas Prices Today!

Hey Hey BHO What Have You Done To Lower Gas Prices Today!

Hey Hey BHO What Have You Done To Lower Gas Prices Today!

Hey y'all ... I know for 8 years some people went hog wild accusing The Bushman of oil connections, profits for oil companies, and all that jazz, but I have a question for you.

When was oil $41 a barrel and what were the gas prices?

What is oil today?

What is the gas price?

Isn't it odd? Why no hearings? Why no big Senate hearings on the inflated prices?

Why no Dem banging their shoe screaming they will roll over oil?


What happened to change?

I have an idea.

You ran into a tax revenue you liked, so it didn't bother you they charge more ... because you get more revenue off them ... and you like that.

Who you don't like is the taxpayer ... what you do like are taxes.

Pretty obvious, I think.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.