Saturday, February 7, 2009

Canada and its Medical System

I have visits from over 100 countries. From China to Lebanon, from Tehran to Marakesh, from Vanatu to Finland, Canada to South Africa ... 100 countries, which I think is a few.

I do hold views on quite a few of them, but I try to avoid expressing those thoughts as clearly as I do others - this post is on one topic - medical care / hospitalization.

I know someone, they are ignorant of the medical systems of the US / Canada and Britain. They are certain that in the US we have no medical care, because that is why Obama said he wants to create a system for everyone instead of one for the rich and the poor.

She said that to me. She repeated that tripe.

I want to never speak to her again. She is ignorant for repeating such tripe, and she offended me in her stupidity.

The issue - she is but one of millions who are so stupid, they actually believe the lies. And they believe the lies because if it was a lie someone would say it was a lie and because no one calls them on the lie, they believe it is true. Make sense.


Shit for brains.

Canada's system is crap. If you want to live, and you have serious issues, come to the US.

If you don't have the money - so what. The mexicans who flood across the borders, the others who come here on vacation and plan their vacation to time perfectly with their ... accidental birth. They ALL know the system is free. If you don't, it says more about you than about the system.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.