Monday, November 2, 2009

US Strategy in Afghanistan, Russia, and Iran

What is our strategy? 

Can you name what it is?  Can you describe it?

Can you explain the Obama Doctrine with regard to Iran, Russia, and Afghanistan? 

And don't say he is thinking about it.  Please, when Bush didn't make decisions within seconds of events happening, the left and media immediately launched into - there is no policy, the administration is drifting ...

Please, the military has asked for troops - NATO wants troops.  They have evaluated an on the ground need for more troops, and Obama was to think about it.

Sounds reasonable except who is he going to think about it with?  Who will help make his decision - those who know, have alreayd said they need the troops, so who will he talk to?  My thought is, he has sent word out, perhaps when Hillary was in Pakistan, to the taliban, about some sort of compromise.  If eh coudl pull troops out of Afghanistan, he could claim a win, something Bush couldn't, and then he could leave 10,000 or so hunting for bin Laden with little risk from anyone else interfering.

What about Russia and its recent actions?  Nothing from Obama.

Iran?  It stalled and made them all look like they had stuff on their faces - Obama is pretending he didn't have any stuff on his face.  That does not work well in international affairs.

What about Pakistan and the endemic corruption from the top down to bin Laden.

Obama is absent or playing golf.

Can a president play golf and make decisions - absolutely, but the left didn't think he could when it was Bush.

They are simply - hypocrites and lousy ones at that.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.