Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nancy and her Bill

In the late evening on a Saturday, Nancy Pelosi pushed through her version of the health care plan - all 2100 pages, or nearly so. 

She did not publish the bill 72 hours prior to vote, for review as she had promised with the election of Obama and a new transparent administration.  Neither has Obama published anything 72 hours before, but he isn't Nancy.

Members didn't have time, were perhaps even sleeping, or away ... and she pushed it in and through.

And she can do that - it is within the rules to break the promises made to the American people, it is within her perogative to ignore the pleas of the American people to NOT go forward with this boondogle.

Nancy Pelosi should remember this moment, as she will, forever - because when the Retardicans retake Congress, as they will, and they push through votes in the evening or by locking members out of the chamber ... she will have no one to blame but herself.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.