Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Islamic Fascism on Display: Fort Hood

 When an individual corresponds with individuals who hate America and wish for the demise of America; when the individual attempts to connect with the enemy of Western Civilization and America - al qaida, when the individual invokes his religion as he slaughters Americans, what do you call it?

Mr. Obama wants us to pretend that this murderous act was simply an act of a man who slipped loose the constraints of sanity, due to war trauma.

Mr. Obama wants us to believe he will seek justice for those slaughtered. 

What Mr. Obama does not want to do is call it what it is - Islamic terror.

After all, if a Christian fundamentalist were to slaughter abortion doctors in the name of God, what would we call him? The Left / Liberals, would be johnny-on-the-spot, to call it what it was - Christian extremism. We would hear ad nausea of one story after another concerning 'Christian extremism', as if one story didn't pound it in, we would be inundated with stories about extremist Christians. I am waiting for the moment, and it could be any second when someone claiming to be a Christian pops out and begins shooting people - almost as if someone held a meeting and selected Bob to go on a rampage screaming Christian epithets, before being gunned down to assure no questions.

Why will we not call it what it is - Islamic fascism.

The media is deeply complicit in this mockery - pretending that nothing unusual is going on, and in fact, scurrying as far from the truth as possible ("I cringe that he's a Muslim. . . . I think he's probably just a nut case," Evan Thomas, Newsweek.   Meanwhile Joe Klein from TIME was even more declarative and certain of the "odious attempts by Jewish extremists . . . to argue that the massacre perpetrated by Nidal Hasan was somehow a direct consequence of his Islamic beliefs."), that the man was a victim, of harassment and of war trauma (you don't need to go to war to be a victim of war trauma!).  The fault would lie, I suppose, with those individuals who harassed the killer.

Why do we pretend? Why do we wear blinders and act as if this man was simply going shopping and flipped out and happened to catch the people he did in his gun sights. He could have just as easily gone downtown and shot up the mall, but just happened to find his way onto the base.

He just happened to wake up that morning and put on the style of clothing he did that morning, he just happened to go about his business that morning, caught on cameras, wearing not his uniform, but what we view in the West as Arab or even Islamic style clothing (in fact, it is Arab style, but also correlates to the clothing worn by Muslims, particularly in the Middle East). He just happened to give away Korans, furniture, and all his possessions, and he just happened to collect his weapons, drive to the base, and methodically murder over a dozen American soldiers. All that was the act, not of an Islamic killer, but of a normal man who went nuts. Nuts like in Kuwait, before the US went into Iraq, when a sergeant, in the middle of the night, attempted to kill the regiments Colonel, and ended up throwing a grenade into a tent with his fellow soldiers, while screaming 'Allahu Akbar'.  All this - BEFORE the war began - and I suppose this killer had war trauma!

According to our president, the sergeant surely would be a victim of something to explain why he murdered his fellow Americans, although I cannot figure out how Obama could gerrymander his defense, but in 'Obama's World' there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism - just oppression by the US and the West.

The final sad act of this murderous terrorist - that he wasn't killed. That would have prevented the fiasco that will now take place, from occurring. I am awaiting Obama's crocodile tears, although he isn't quite as good as Bill with faking tears. The government, the military, and the media will all seek an escape clause - the guy was crazy, out of his mind. Privately many will accept what happened as terror by an Islamist, but they will not speak up. In another area of town, the Islamic organizations will condemn and attack violence and denounce the killer, and when the media have left, they will privately say things very different.

How we respond to this killer will show to the Islamic world not a just country, but one that is weak - too weak to admit what is before their eyes and this weakness will foster more attacks.

Moral cowardice.

Islamic terrtor

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.