Sunday, September 27, 2009

Useless Sods = Wasted Oxygen

I knew someone once, a very long time ago - and when you are young and stupid, you believe things - then you open your eyes and see them for what they are ... truly useless. You cut out useless sorts from your life and move on, grow up, become a responsible and rational human being and a contributing member to society ... and spend years without ever thinking about that heinous human being.

And then they pop up again, them and their hangers-on ... truly sick.

And they didn't pop up at the doorstep ... they simply re-emerged into my consciousness, and I am less for it.


I will admit to anything if asked, if I have done it or believe it ... I have gone to school for many years and have many degrees and years of graduate school beyond what would be usual. I have spent years with people who view the masses as THEM and we are the US, and they regard everything as an US versus THEM. WE know what is best, WE are brighter, WE are academics, WE are ...

I was quickly reviewing the lists of people I know from work and elsewhere, and few have so many years or have gone as far - even if they are entrenched in whatever sphere they are in.

I do not like or agree with elitism - I am not better - I simply know quite a bit about some very useless subjects. I cannot drywall, I have no clue about plumbing, and am fortunate I have someone who can fix my car. I am pretty useless actually. I understand that fact and respect people who do contribute to society in useful ways.

A citizen who serves our country, has no education - has done more than I have with my many years of education and teaching. I respect them more, than I do those I work with (unless of course those I work with have served the country or similar).

I try very hard, and work at it diligently, not to show any distinction between me and what I have to say and them, and what they know. I avoid the US v THEM as much as is humanly possible.

End of Sidebar:

I cannot completely prevent this elitism from seeping into my daily life ... and when it comes to useless people like the one who just re-emerged from under their rock with their hangers-on, I find them to be the lowest forms of life. Bin laden is more useful and a more worthwhile human being - he doesn't lie, he doesn't cheat, he is an honest human being (I do not imply or believe that he is not evil, and deserving of death - just that he is honest, and more useful as a human being).

These useless sorts should be sterilized, and removed from the general population so as to not infect us with their uncouth and boorish behavior, sparing us from several minutes to several hours of wasted stress, and decreasing the amount of potential time we have left to live without such people infecting our happiness (even if you believe you make your own happiness, when someone kicks you in the shins while you are busy being happy, it will, for any fraction of time cause you to not smile, even if a few minutes later you smile again).

They are not worth living, and should be removed. Now, where is that Jewish assassination squad Zelaya claimed was waiting for him!

useless sorts

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.