Saturday, December 27, 2008

Israel Responds - Finally. Palestinians Stunned and Angry.


GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli warplanes and helicopters pounded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Saturday, killing at least 205 people in the bloodiest one-day death toll in 60 years of conflict with the Palestinians.

The important point to cull from this paragraph is the number of dead: 205

At the main Gaza City graduation ceremony, uniformed bodies lay in a pile and the wounded writhed in pain. Some rescue workers beat their heads and shouted "God is greatest." One badly wounded man quietly recited verses from the Koran.

BODIES LAY in a pile. Bodies is plural and the sentance connotes, intentionally or not, a rather large pile - not just 2-3 people. If the pile was 3, you would write something that mentions "and three bodies lay in a pile"

Rescue workers would find it difficult - dealing with piles of dead. I fail to understand the relevance of the wounded old man reciting verses from the Koran! What significance does it have for anything? Showing reliance upon faith in time of death and destruction? We know the Palestinians rely upon faith - they call out to their god of death before they blow themselves up.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the Israeli air campaign was "criminal" and urged world powers to intervene.

Follow this thread - the Pal Pres called upon world nations to INTERVENE in the internal affairs of another country sorting out the war campaign by another. It is against international law for countries to intervene, but he is calling for said intervention. It is a very fine line between intervening and INTERVENING! The US intervention in Iraq.

Hamas threatened to unleash "hell" to avenge the dead, including possible suicide bombings inside Israel.

Apparently, from the Reuters statements, Hell has already been unleashed - ON HAMAS.

For anyone who wishes - there is a LABEL to the right. Search HAMAS. They have been planning this for quite some time. They have needed a reason to use all the suicide bombers they have been training. They needed an excuse to break the truce. Israel refused to give Hamas a reaosn to break the truce so, last week Hamas said it would end its truce with Israel due to Israel restricitng supplies into Gaza (which was in response to rocket attacks).

Find the story - Just Married and Eager to Die (or something similar).

Morgues across the Gaza Strip ran out of space for bodies.

First number given by Reuters - 205. Morgues is plural. I suspect they have at least 3. With a population over a million, they would need at least 2 large facilities. Capable of handling 200? No. But not to worry. Given the Pals ineffective use of rockets and poor aiming abilities - it is quite likely they will kill just as many Palestinians as they do Israelis, thereby keeping the morgues filled.

Israel responds

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.