Monday, February 11, 2008

You have to love hot air, when it is packaged well.

Americans are so emotional, loud-mouthed and prone to emotional outbursts at the drop of a hat - whether about terrorists, evil doers, with us or against us - after all, isn't that what the world thinks of us. We are so wrapped up in cliches and emotion, we resemble an Oscar host in rehab.

Interesting then that The Australian has an article 2/11/08 - Obama's first coming.

Comparing Obama to Mandela. I never quite thought of the US as South Africa, but I suppose a deeply touched person might find it so ... five decades ago. Either the writer is unaware of American history or was taught American History 101 in an Iranian school.

One cannot be compared to the other as it does both the greatest disservice. The article is very emotional. The writer compares Obama to "a cult figure" that is "akin to a messiah."

Very troubling. Very emotional. An outburst of religious nonsensical crap. Not what we would expect from a Non-US writer.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.