Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hope, Change and all that stuff.

What we have learned over this year is that hope is making a comeback. It is making a comeback and let me tell you something, For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment. I have seen people who are hungry to be unified around some basic common issues. It has made me proud.
- Michelle Obama, Feb 18, 2008, 1:13pm PST. Milwaukee.

Hope, change. Two key words that mean very little. Anyone not have hope? I suppose so, they are dead. Change? Does anyone not want some change in their life? Again, I suppose a comatose patient is unable to articulate the hope for change.

Trite comes to mind. Mindless is another word choice. You would think we were just finishing four years of Carter to hear her speak. No hope, no chance, no opportunity. I am not sure what she has done in the years since she graduated - not provided any hope or change to anyone. She did have children and has raised them well. She has the education and background to be the role model that hope is alive and change can occur in education, in employment - real change and real hope. What they offer today are words of no meaning. They satisfy no one with a brain yet satiate the brainless.

UPDATE: Obama’s Hollywood movie. 14:59 , 02.25.08. ynetnews.com
Apparently I am not the only one who finds this man to be nothing but hot air.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.