Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Libya: To decide or not to decide - will have to wait until he is finished fiddling.

The President of the United States needs to make a decision.  The office requires it, the job demands it - the world expects it.  You do not have time to sit back and allow the world to act and the US to react.  We all know the views of this president toward the US global position - he believes we should not lead, we should walk together.  Unfortunately bad things happen and walking together is not always possible - you must act.  Obama is not capable of acting decisively.  He never has.  He acts in unison with others which is not what a president does much of the time.

The fact the Secretary of State indicates to the world that a no-fl;y zone must be a world action, not a US action in order that it be a Libyan decision not an American decision ... is gobbledygook for not much.  The US abdicates its role as a leader to fit in with the community of nations.

Unfortunately, the US will still be accused of doing the no-fly zone, we will still be accused of every possible slander ... regardless.  And the people of Libya, have called on the US to act.  Obama has resisted thus far ... preferring to wait.  If he waits long enough there won't be any rebellion - Kaddafi will kill them all, and Obama will be able to say he was strongly in favor of something.

I wonder if Obama knows how to fiddle.

Obama's Libya conference today 'not a decision meeting'

March 9, 2011
03:28 PM
By Kevin Frayer, AP

President Obama discussed possible ways to respond to Libya with national security aides today, but spokesman Jay Carney cautioned that it was not "a decision meeting."

These types of national security meetings "happen with some regularity," Carney said.

"We are continuing to review options," Carney said. "We are obviously aware of the suffering in Libya, and the violence there."

Options range from establishing a no-fly zone over Libya to providing arms to rebels who are fighting the forces of dictator Moammar Gadhafi; the U.S. is also examining contingencies as well as the need for humanitarian aid to the war-torn nation.

"We are not at a decision point," Carney said. "We are considering these options. We are actively considering a no-fly zone."

Carney noted that the battles between the Gadhafi and the rebel forces are less than three weeks old, yet the United States and its global allies have agreed on stiff sanctions for the Libyan regime and delivered humanitarian assistance to rebels and refugees.

"I think it is very important for people to understand the kind of dramatic action that has been taken with the leadership of this president," Carney said.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.