Monday, May 25, 2009

Social Insecurity

Father (48) and Mother (42) have two children - Franny and Zoey.

Franny grows up and decides she does not want to be married and instead concentrates on her career. Zoey wants to be married and he finds a wife and they have 1 child. His wife wants more children but Zoey wants to go on trips and buy new electronics every week - another child would interfere with his goals.

Neither Franny nor Zoey are very religious. Their parents believed in whatever made the child happy at any given moment. Both parents were very educated - one had a PhD and the other an MA. Franny, while she had an MBA, opted for the wealth path rather than further education (much to her parents chagrin). She did, however, make 5 times what her parents made and nearly twice what Zoey made. Zoey was not religious at all, instead focusing on how he felt and what he wanted.

Parents retire. Franny and Zoey replace them in the work force and cover the costs for social security and health care that the government provided free to all citizens.

Franny and Zoey get old and retire. Franny ends up with no one because she was too busy saving money and working to establish a long term relationship. Zoey and his wife have 1 child. That 1 child now must work to pay for THREE people (or the effects of three people - medical, taxes, social security, infrastructure development).

Zoey's son, named Seymour marries Shelley, and neither of them are very pleased about the heavy taxation rates and choose not to have any children.

So who will pay for Seymour and his wife to retire, who will pay for Zoey who will live until he is 95, who will pay for Franny who lives until she is 97 ...


Someone has to.


Perhaps we need to start a new Baby Boom and keep it going for another ten years or all the FREE stuff the government wants to give you won't be available without the massive taxes you will have to pay - but if you are never born ... the benefits won't happen.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.