Sunday, March 22, 2009

Please BUY our Toxic Assets, but wait until I tax you.

Now let's see.

We will tax companies on their bonuses, we will regulate and control - and they are needed by the government to do the government a favor ...

And Romer thinks they will just because we need them to.

Are you bloody stupid. Liberals believe in regulating and the reason for the regulation is clearly because industry/business cannot be trusted to do the right thing (hence - rules).

Now you suggest that business will do the right thing, simply because ..

You are schizophrenic, and in serious need of medication.

WE NEED THEM - says Romer, of industry and business

WASHINGTON -- AIG outrage is genuine, but be careful about the fallout, said the head of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, noting that private investors are "kind of doing us a favor" in buying toxic assets and should be recognized for their contribution.

Adviser Cristina Romer told "FOX News Sunday" that private firms not getting federal bailout money should not be intimidated by Congress' decision to tax executive bonuses by 90 percent because they understand that this is a new culture of doing business.

"We've got banks with a lot of toxic assets, what 'toxic' means is they are highly uncertain ... so that is certainly the big picture, and that is going to be the main reason for doing this ... We simply -- we simply need them. We need them -- you know, we've got a limited amount of money that the government has to go in here, so we need to partner, not just with private firms, but with the FDIC, with the Fed, to leverage the money that we have," she said


"We ought to be careful for a minute ... we have to acknowledge that outrage is genuine and something we all feel," she said. "I think we're going to have sensible strategy going forward. The president understands the distinction between" placing restrictions on companies that contributed to the financial mess and those that are trying to help.

They are firms that are being the good guys here, are coming into a market that hasn't existed to try to help us get these toxic assets off banks' balance sheets," Romer said.




Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.