Friday, March 6, 2009

Obama: Please stop destroying the economy.

I do not understand why people who are otherwise reasonably bright do not get a clue.

The Stock Market is an indicator - just as jobless rates, housing starts, and a deficit are indicators, of our economic status. Why does Obama not get a clue. Since Monday, the DOW has dropped over 200 points. Since Obama has taken office, it has dropped by more than 50%.

This has nothing to do with BUSH. The Bush issues ended in so far as the DOW was concerned, back when it was at 9,000 or so. We are below 6500 now. It is ALL you sir.

Mr. Obama, please stop. You are destroying our economy. You are not helping. You claimed the other day that Americans are entitled to health care ... sir, Americans deserve the greatest economy in the world. We have worked for that economy. You have, with no help from others, destroyed it.

You destroy our relations with other countries. You destroy our economy.

You are a menace sir. Like a plague that wreaks havoc upon whatever it infects. Please stop.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.