Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Syria - Not so innocent after all - Says IAEA

IAEA finds man-made uranium traces at Syrian site bombed by Israel
DEBKAfile Special Report
November 10, 2008, 10:37 PM (GMT+02:00)

A senior Vienna-based diplomat reported Monday, Nov. 10, that the latest findings are significant enough for the nuclear watchdog to place Syria right after North Korea and Iran on its agenda for further investigation. Last June, UN inspectors collected the soil samples which yielded the uranium traces from al Kibar in northern Syria, where a nuclear reactor under construction was razed by Israel in Sept. 2007.

DEBKAfile’s sources report that even if the uranium traces found at bombed site were slight, they are damning because they were clearly man-made – not natural ore - and must have been brought in by an outside source, possibly North Korean visitors. These outsiders would have had only one reason to be there: to assist in the construction of a nuclear facility for Syria and inspect the work in progress.


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