Friday, September 19, 2008

Old Joe and the Economy

It is widely believed, almost universally believed, that a persons environment affects their behavior and actions. The distinction would be to what degree and the issue of personal responsibility, but regardless - I do not believe anyone believes how you are raised does not in some way affect how you think, and react to issues and people.

Raised in poverty or without a parent, will have an impact on the child. I do not suggest it will cause the child to lose direction or end up homeless, rather, it will invade his or her personal space and help to shape how they relate to people and events in a positive and negative manner.

Raised by an abusive parents - scars a child. Raised by a parent that makes every effort to tell the child how useless they are - scars a child. Their self-esteem, a depression, a life-long fight against depression, and to avoid repeating the issue with their children.

Few people would disagree environment and family play a role.

[I apologioze for using this non-political issue to highlight a political issue, but whatever it takes to demonstrate the point]

The previous post - Biden telling us that taxes are patriotic, has another point I would like to raise:

Biden: Paying higher taxes patriotic for wealthy

"It's time to be patriotic ... time to jump in, time to be part of the deal,
time to help get America out of the rut."

Rich people - which for Democrats is anyone in the top 10-12%, should WANT to pay more because it is patriotic.

I do not wish to pay more, therefore I am not patriotic. I believe the fact I pay or lose 38-40% of my pay check now, is about 25% more than I should lose. I do not now or ever wish to pay more.

However, that issue aside - it is the last 8-10 words I am interested in.

" help get America out of the rut."

What rut Senator?

noun 1. habit, routine, dead end, humdrum existence, system, pattern, groove
noun 2. groove, score, track, trough, furrow, gouge, pothole, indentation, wheel mark
Collins Essential Thesaurus 2nd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2005, 2006

rut 2
Noun - a recurrent period of sexual excitement in certain male ruminants
Verb - [rutting, rutted] (of male ruminants) to be in a period of sexual excitement

Noun -
1. a groove or furrow in a soft road, caused by wheels
2. dull settled habits or way of living: his career was in a rut [probably from French route road]

I assume Biden means rut to be synonymous with routine, humdrum, dull, settled, and not the more exciting use - for a rodent and sex.

It is impossible to deny that the number of people unemployed has risen by at least 1.5%.

It is a foolish person who denies that the number of foreclosures has risen dramatically - higher than in the last twenty years.

It is a comatose patient who would deny the bank failures has not had an impact on the global financial markets.

Yet despite all of these issues, we will rise above. 6.1% unemployment is easily remedied. When Reagan took office the numbers were much worse, and things turned around. We will also turn them around. A lesser country would have fallen from all the economic failures we have faced and overcome. It almost makes you wonder .... who set it up this way. The markets up and dramatic drops, oil way up ... almost makes you think back to the collapse of the Russian economy, English economy and Indonesian economy.

Anyway - conspiracies are silly, what is real is we are facing tough times and part of this feeling is ... created.

The more we are told we are doing badly, the more we believe it, just as I laid out in the personal development of an individual, so to the development of a country and its citizens. Spell out bad news every day and you will create a self-fulfilling negative. The more bad news, the more depressed, the more depressed, the less you buy, the less you buy, the poorer the economy, the poorer the economy, the more depressed ...

So when Old Joe says - get us out of the rut he understand, but will never say, that some of it is simply what you believe - part of the issue is psychological. We feel we are in a quagmire, and we end up in a quagmire.

Otherwise, Old Joe would be as far off as someone who believed dinosaurs roamed the earth 4000 years ago (Damon). Joe knows that a huge part of the 'fix' is to make everyone believe they are doing better, and things are getting better.

Inevitably things will get better. Even if we were on autopilot ... things will get better.



Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.